Adult Education

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"I'm gonna whip you into shape."

   ''Where's Edward?'' Pinako asked the next morning when seeing Al and Winry downstairs, ''Still in his room, probably on his laptop.'' Al said with Winry feeding Den, ''He always hides in his room once Saturday hits.'' She added with Pinako making a face, ''That boy is never going to get with anyone, if he keeps being a antisocial hermit.'' She said with Edward who was on his laptop with a look of surprise in his golden eyes heaving a sigh, ''That looks even more painful than normal sex...'' He said closing the tabs flustered. ''Why did I spend my morning looking up how guys do it?...'' He said to himself before connecting his IPod to his speakers shuffling his music, immediately playing Van Halen not surprised when it played 'Hot For Teacher' first, ''Of course... Of fucking course.'' He mumbled singing along anyways, opening his window grabbing a cigarette from his drawer lighting it, and taking a toke of it sighing going back to his laptop, ''I'll go downstairs later...''. The moment Edward said that there was a knock on the door with Pinako looking over surprised with a pipe in her mouth, ''Who could be knocking this early.'' She said going over to answer the door with Winry and Al looking at one another, ''You think it's?...'', ''Hello-!'' The small adult started but paused looking up surprised when seeing it was their teacher, surprising both Al and Winry. ''Mr. Mustang... Coming over on a Saturday? One of my children in trouble?'' Pinako asked with Den immediedlty barking and jumping on the raven haired teacher with Pinako looking down at the dog, ''Den, stop it.'', ''No, nothing like that Ma'am, I'm actually here to tutor Edward.'' He said hearing Pinako sigh, ''That boy would be the reason you're here...'' She said before looking up and Roy again. ''Come in, Edward is in his room up there.'' She said pointing to his door that had really loud music playing, with Roy looking over to Al and Winry smiling, ''Hope you don't mind me dropping by like this on your free time.'', "Not one bit. But he will.'' Both said seeing their teacher laugh, ''Doesn't he always mind?'' He said before going up the stairs to his student's door. Pinko looked at the two quiet kids suspiciously, ''You two never told me Edward was doing bad in school... We're having a talk later.'' She said before going to the staircase and calling up to the blonde, ''Edward, Your teacher is here!'' She called out getting Edward's attention making a face never realizing he was at his door, ''I can't even get away from him on the weekends?...'' He mumbled before going to the door. ''Tell him he can go fuck himself!- Ahhh... I... Shit...'' He screamed opening the door, but got pale when seeing his teacher at his door with his usual smile with the song finishing with 'Oh my god.' matching what he thought at that moment, since Roy was looking at the lit cigarette in his mouth, ''Smoker too huh?'' Roy said simply, ''I'm gonna whip you into shape.''.

''You won't tell Pinako about this will you?...'' Edward said with a nervous laugh referring to his smoking with his teacher glancing away, ''I won't but...'' He said but held three fingers up, ''3, 2, 1...'', ''Edward Elric, what have I told you about smoking!'' Pinako said from downstairs making Edward turn towards the stair case, ''YOU SMOKE TOO, YOU MINI HAG!-'' He said earning himself a bonk on the head from Roy. ''Even at home, you're like this?'' Roy said simply looking over to his student who just made a face grumbling to himself turning when he was called to, ''Don't mind him, we'll talk later.'' Pinako said putting a cup of coffee in front of the raven haired teacher, ''The least I can do is offer you coffee, before you deal with him in his room.'' She said triggering Edward more. ''Thank you.'' Roy said with his usual carefree smile, ''So Al and Winry are okay than?'', ''Yes, they're great students. It's just a matter of getting Edward to actually do well in my class, since he's okay in every other class.'' He said with a sigh, ''I keep telling that boy to stop hanging out with those two troublemakers.'', ''I'm right here!'' Edward said with an annoyed huff. ''Well, we can't control who we pick as friends.'' Roy said sipping at the coffee with Den jumping on Roy making him drop his coffee on his shirt and lap jumping up, ''I'm sorry! Den is usually never like this!'' Winry said apologetically pulling Den away, ''It's fine... I just need to use your bathroom real quick...'', ''Of course.'' Pinako said looking over to Edward when he left, ''You and I are talking later.''. Edward felt his heart pound out of his chest when his teacher was in his room sitting next to him at his desk, but kept a grumpy flustered expression when Pinako spoke, ''I'll bring something up later, If Edward gives you any problems, please feel free to call me.'' She said looking at Edward before closing the door, ''Of course.'' Roy said hearing his student mutter under his breath. ''What was that little smoker?'', ''Bite me!'' Edward said but backed up when his teacher leaned towards him with a smile, ''Watch your mouth...'' He warned before looking over to his open laptop seeing Edward quickly close it and put it away along with his iPod making a face, ''Aren't you here to tutor me, not being nosy about my browser history?'' The blonde said. ''Let's get started than.'' Roy said pulling out a notebook with Edward noticing his Teacher's tired expression talking to himself a moment, before turning to him again, ''Here, I made you this.'' He said with Edward taking it seeing it was notes and questions. ''...Didn't this take all night.'', ''It did, but that doesn't matter. Just read and answer those questions, and I'll look over it once you're done.'' He said making Edward feel bad.

  The blonde worked quietly feeling his heart race and ache since his teacher sat too close to him, or what felt like he was too close, ''So I can go fuck myself huh, Edward?'' Roy said making Edward stop a moment making a face, ''Nice to know, you think so positive about me.'', ''I'm sorry alright! Get off my ass about my attitude!'' Edward snapped going back to work hearing his teacher laugh, ''You got spunk.''. Edward was glad his bangs covered his flustered expression as he worked on the notebook, never noticing his teacher look at his loose, long, golden hair jumping up when he felt his teacher's hand grab his hair, ''I'm sorry that you're stuck with me as a teacher, I know you hate me. Just pass my class and you won't have to worry about me anymore after graduation, I promise.'' Roy said softly never realizing his words hurt his student. His teacher's words pierced through him making his heart hurt giving a hurt expression at what he said, ''I...I finished!'' He said pushing the notebook over to him never making eye contact with him once, with the raven haired male pushing his glasses up and pull out a red pen before silently correcting his work, ''You're not bad at this... I don't understand why you're failing my class.'' Roy said simply. ''You two talk now.'' Pinako said looking at Al and Winry who just looked at one another downstairs, ''Brother's been getting in trouble a lot and...'', ''Mustang couldn't take it anymore.'' Winry added on with Pinako raising a brow at them, ''That still doesn't explain why the boy is acting weird around his teacher.'' She said seeing the look of surprise in their eyes. ''What you two thought I didn't notice how Edward acts around him?'' She said smoking at her pipe, ''So which one of you is going to tell me about those two?'' She asked simply hearing Winry and Al sigh heavily before they both spoke up about what's been going on surprising Pinako a bit. ''That attitude of his is a way of hiding his emotions towards him, but that's also going to be enough to push him away.'' Pinako said walking away from them, ''He should also realize that, that's his teacher.'' She mumbled with Al and Winry looking at one another, ''That attitude of his is a problem...'', ''But it's one sided so he should be fine...'' Winry said unconvinced at her own words. ''You missed a few questions, but we have time to practice that another time.'' Roy said looking over to his student who seemed down, ''Edward, it's alright to miss a few, I don't expect perfection.'', ''Uh huh...'' The blonde said not paying attention to what his teacher said leaning back on his chair, ''You wear me out...'', ''What was that?'', ''Nothing... I don't feel good...'' Edward lied.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now