The Reason Why

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Chapter 1


Beautiful brown eyes was staring at them, to those people whose passing and walking by front of him. He was sitting in one of the bench in the park that afternoon. Jealousy and pinch of pain he felt deep inside his heart every time he saw a loving couple in the park, happily walking holding hands.

He close his eyes and reminisce. Remembering the days and every single minute of his life, that he was belong to him...for him alone. Happiness and love they shared together, as if they own the whole world.

Sudden pain and loneliness, all of it coming back on him from the moment he open his eyes and saw a particular person. A person who gave love and happiness to him. And now a pain and sorrow to his pure loving heart.

"Hana, are you okay?" Asked Kaede while he sitting next to him. "You call me here to talk about what? You have work tonight?"

"I'm okay. It's my off tonight." He answered while staring at the sky.

"Did you eat?"


"What you wanna talk about?"

"Kaede, you know what I want to talk about?"


"Haven't you noticed, we live in the same house, we go in the same school but we know nothing about each other."

"Hey, are you sick?" He chuckled and check Sakuragi's forehead. After that he stared on his eyes and saw that he meant what he just said.

"I am fine Kaede. And I'm serious. When was the last time we talk like this. When was the last we sit and eat together." He asked painfully from his wounded heart.

"Hana, what are you talking about?"

"If we keep going on like this, it will be much harder for us. We have to decide on what we really have to do.

"What are you trying to say?

"You, Kaede what do you think I am trying to say."

"Wait, Hana..." He stopped when Sakuragi stared at him. It was cold and sad. And it makes shivered.

"Yes Kaede..."

"You want us to break..."

"Break-up...that's the only way Kaede. We have to admit it, we're not the same as we before. There's so many things changed about you, about me. And if we go on like this, we'll just continue to hurt each other. " he breath deeply, looking up the sky trying not to let some tears to fall.

"Is that what you really want Hana?"

"We want Kaede, we want."

"How about the team?

"Don't worry about it, nothing will change about the team. The truth, I was planning this after the Winter Cup. But I realize I can't wait any longer. I can't bear it anymore. That's why I decided to end this now. I realize it's better to end it up now before it gets complicated.

After Sakuragi saying those words he left without saying goodbye. Rukawa stared and stayed sitting on the bench. Thinking if he should follow him to stop, to beg him and ask for explanation. But none of them came up to his senses. He was too shock to react.

Even though it hurts as hell, Sakuragi thinks that he did was the best for them. To set him free. To set them both free. It takes him days and months to think about the decision he just made. How many tears he tried to stop to fall just to endure the pain. How many sleepless nights he spent just to think if he deserve it. How many 'why' he ask to himself...why he...the one he truly love do the things he never imagined he can do to him. And many, many times he tried to end up his life, just because he always thought that he can't live without him.

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