Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Each and everyone were busy preparing the conference room for the meeting. Everyone was nervous to see and to meet the new president of one of the biggest and famous tv network in Japan, Asahi network. Most of the employees and heads of each department were prepared new ideas and proposal for their new projects which is also needed for the said meeting.

Many years past, only few personnel of the network have an 'access' to meet and to talked to the former president. Many rumors says that one of the famous business tycoon in Japan, Shinju Maki was the owner and the president of the network. However, he told to the media that he was only one of those many share-holder of the company. Up until now, it's still a mystery for them, who was the real owner and president of one of the biggest tv network in Japan....Asahi.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Although, some of you already know me, please let me properly introduce my self. I am Attorney Mishiro Shinohara, the newly appointed adviser of our new President and company lawyer of Asahi TV Network. "He politely introduced himself whilst the other who already know him flabbergasted.

"We all know that only few of you, met the previous president of Asahi. Honestly, it's been a year since he passed away, our President Asami. His one and only son, his heir, study and live abroad for a long time. And now, he decided to come back here in Japan, to managed and to continued his father's legacy. Ladies and gentlemen...I would like to introduce, the new President of Asahi TV Network...Ryuichi Asami."

People inside the conference room all stand up and applause as they waiting for him to enter the room. Different reaction was visibly shown on their face the moment he enter the room and stand in front of the microphone.

No one expect that the new president would be someone like him, a tall handsome man. They didn't expect him to be younger as they always thought. Most of the women in the room can't stop giggling and whispering to each other.

He surveyed everyone before he talked. "Thank you very much. Like Shinohara-san mentioned, it's been a year since my beloved father passed away. Please forgive for taking too much time to decide to managed this company. I spent some years abroad to study so that I can able to continued what my father had started.

He stopped talking for awhile and looked more seriously. His puissant presence is more obvious this time. "And one more thing, I don't want any kinds of publicity. What ever we talk here inside this room should remain. That's all...and once again thank you very much."

After his speech, Shinohara stand up again and talked. "Everyone, if you have something wants to discussed with the president, you can come at me or on our tv station manager Yuji Shioya. We're open for any discussion and ideas you wanna talked with us. We're hoping for your more cooperation and hardworking. Thank you."

Done to his speech, each and every one stand up and introduced their selves and their position on the company. They starts their meeting about their new proposal and ideas that can help their network to be more famous and reliable.


After class, Sakuragi went off to the library to study some of his previous lesson. Youhei spotted him and agreed to come with him.

"Hanamichi, hiding again...right hahahaha? Asked Youhei while laughing out loud.

"Nyahahaha, it's hard to be handsome Youhei! Well, I have to review for next week. After practice this afternoon, I'll sleep."

"Going home?"

"No...after my basketball practice I'll go straight to The Lodge. I asked permission from manager if I can sleep in quarter's room so I won't be late hehehe."

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