Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Good afternoon Coach Saito. I'm Hanamichi Sakuragi. Please forgive me for intruding. The truth is ..... I know its not right but...I,...I wanted to withdraw my application for try-out." He look down to show his respect and hide his embarrassment. That afternoon he was in Saito's office.

"What!!? I mean why? Not interested joining our team?" Exclaimed Coach Saito. He was so surprised on what he just said. He never expected to hear those words from him.

"I know its so sudden. But please hear me out Sensei. I hope you understand."

"Sakuragi-kun tell me, what's the reason? I'll do it if you have a valid reason. " he was really disappointed on what he say, but he still try to be calm.

"Honestly, I do have check-up for my back. I forgot to rescheduled it and unfortunately it's for today. I can't cancel it so I cannot join the try-out."

"I see, so how's your back, not healed yet? Still hurt?" He feel relieve after he heard his reason.

"No, no sensei....actually its completely healed. But my doctor advised me to have a regular check-up every three months specially that I am still active playing basketball." Huge smile showing on his face while explaining on his worried coach.

His gaze captured by the trophies and medals displayed at the office. Unconsciously, he stand up to stared at it. As if dreaming, he stroke his fingers in the glass and smile brightly. Coach Saito noticed this, he smiled and decided to reconsider his request.

"Sakuragi-kun, I'll let you skip the try-out for today."

"Really Sensei! Arigato gozaimasou! Nyahahaha!"

"I almost forgot, the Dean mentioned me that you're a self-supporting student. In that case, you should submit me your class and work schedule so I can arrange your practice hour."

"I will, sensei!" Smiled brightly at his coach.

"Sakuragi-kun....I guess...well..... Welcome to the team!!" Congratulate Saito at him that made him shock.

"But sensei....I still have to attend the try-out.... But why?"he asked wondering about his reason for it.

"I'll know you can do it... Let's do our best for the team!" he explained. And huge beautiful smile written on Sakuragi's face.


"Coach Saito, we're done for their introduction. Any suggestion? A game maybe?" Sagawara asked his Coach.

"Oh, I see, divide them into two teams. Half court. I wanna see how they play. Wakashi-kun, you're the referee. The rest use the other court. Freshmen, after warm-up, start the game, is that clear?!" He snap when he heard his team captain call his name.

"Yes Coach!"

"Now that he's part of the team, he'll be a big help for us and easier to snatch the championship again." He mumble and smile while rubbing his chin.

At the time they saw a huge smile on their coach's face, they don't know what to think. They have no idea what he was thinking or planning at that time. Everyone knew that the coach was a great person, but he don't usually smile like he does now.

"Sagawara-san! Wakashi-san! We have one more new team member. He will join us in our practice on monday. A center." After telling the news he bid goodbye on them. On what he just said, they can't stop wondering and staring at each other.


"Well, you're in good shape Hana-chan. After three months you have to come back for the instructions of your new exercise. It was really good for you to have a regular check-up and do your exercises. Its for your future." She smiled at him while saying the good news.

Sakuragi's doctor, Nagishima-san always call him Hana-chan and treat him as her own son. Ever since he discharged from the rehabilitation center, she's the one who always check on him. But before his senior year end in Shohoku, Nagishima transferred in Tokyo after her husband died and she lived with her only son.

After she found out about his situation, of being an orphan she offered him a free check-up. But in one condition, he will continue to study in college. She advice him to grab the scholarship and opportunity to study in Tokyo University. She told Sakuragi that this is good chance to achieve his goal in life and aside from that, it's near her so he doesn't need to travel from Kanagawa to Tokyo for his check-up.

Sakuragi always feel blessed to know her. Aside for having Youhei as his bestfriend, he have. her, Doctor Nagishima. He respect and loved her as his own mother. Many times that he seek advice from her, about everything, anything. She knows everything about him, his ups and downs in life.


"Welcome back, Ryuichi! How's your trip?" Greet Shinohara on his friend who just arrive from America. He happily embrace his friend that he don't see for one year.

He notice many things changes about his friend. He look younger than the last time he saw him. His expressionless face still showing, but he feel that he is more lively than before.

"I am fine Mishiro. Very tiring, and how are you?" Ask Asami while sitting next to him at the backseat.

"I'm fine, quite busy. Well, I think, you change a lot Ryuichi. I notice you look younger than before. You like America?"

"Nah, not really..."

"Wanna go out tonight? How about your favorite bar? The good news is I 'bought' it for you. Well,congrats!"

"Thanks. So how you 'buy' it?"

"It's a lot of work actually, but I still manage to do it."

"Hmm, I see. Thank you very much Mishiro... I know I can trust you...."

"Youre welcome"

"On monday I want to visit Kanagawa, can you come with me?"

"Sure, but wait...are you sure, I mean. As your bestfriend I understand how you feel."

"Dont worry about me, I am alright. It's not easy but I get over it. I want to visit Akihito and I want to look for someone.

"Okay, but before that. We have to talk about your plan here in Japan. We still have more business to discuss."

"I know, and beside I have to see Uncle in Kanagawa. I heard that his son don't want to manage one of his business. Is that true?"

"Dont worry, when Shinichi-kun find out about you coming back here in Japan, he won't think twice, he will do it. You know how competitive he is. His still in college so I think he can't do it right now. Just wait a little longer."

"He never change......spoiled brat.

"Yeah, yeah...he always remind me of you. I will pick you up tonight at ten. We're going to The Lodge."

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