Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When she recognized them, she immediately open the door and let them in the CEO's office.

"Ryuichi-kun, long time no see. Shinohara-san, it's nice to see you again. Please sit down."Asami's uncle happily welcomed them on his office. He phoned his secretary to bring them coffee.

On that day, after they visit Akihito's grave, he called his uncle to meet and to talked to him. They are in his office at that moment, one of the biggest building in Kanagawa.

"Ryuichi-kun, how's life in America?"

"Fine....I just stayed for one year. How's Auntie...and my beloved cousin?"

"She's fine...actually she want to see you. You're in Tokyo right? Don't meet him yet?"


"Shinichi didn't come home this vacation. He's on his third year college and busy on his basketball.

"I thought he will stop when he start college."

"He begged me to let him play. But he promised me, after college he will managed this company."

"Hm. Still the same....spoiled brat."

"Ehem, ehem, Maki-san, how's the company. Your lawyer called me last month about some problem here" Shinohara coughed just to interrupt and changed the topic.

"'s okay now. Thank you for you help Shinohara-san. I was thinking of hiring you as our company lawyer. But I know you're quite busy. In business and tutoring Shinichi. How is he by the way?"

"Don't worry about him Maki-san, he's doing great. He's smart and hardworking. So no need to worry about his future. It's better to let him enjoy his college life for now."

"I think you're right Attorney," he smiled as he agreed on lawyer suggestion.

Ryuichi Asami and Shinichi Maki are cousins. Asami's mother was a younger sister of Shinichi's father. She died by giving birth on him. And because of what happen, Asami's father decided to leave Kanagawa and go back Tokyo to manage their business. Asami grew up on Maki's custody. After he finished his high school in Kanagawa, he went to Hong Kong to study college with Mishiro Shinohara.

When the secretary went in to bring their coffee. Maki-san told her not to receive any appointment for that day. After that, he pushed a envelope in front of Asami,

"That's for you Ryuichi-kun. Read it."

"What's this Uncle?" He asked and opened the envelope. Written on each files inside of it 'last will and testament' and other one 'asahi corp.'

"I wanted to give it to you after you graduate college. But I heard you're connected in some illegal transaction in Hong Kong...and also here in Japan when you open your business. Someone told me your involve in some Yakuza group and operating some clubs and casinos so I decided to keep it until now."

"Hm...."one by one he read each pages of the files while listening to his uncle.

"It's from you dad. Actually he arranged everything right after you were born. Forgive me, but I think you have to thank me now for my decision. I can see that you're ready to take over."

"You know about this Mishiro?" He glared at his friend.

"He don't. Just me and your dad."

"Isn't it?"


He looked at his uncle and then at the envelope his holding. "Don't worry uncle, this is my last time. I will do it right." He confidently assured on his uncle.

"Before you leave Ryuichi, your Auntie wants to know if ........ she can expect any grandchild from you...."he smirked at him while tapping the pen on his desk.

"Tsk....never thought about it Uncle."

"I understand. Just like Shinichi. Well just to let you know, I'll support you on whatever you decide."

After they talked, they decided to went back to their hotel.

"Ryuichi, just to let you know, I'm here if you need my help. I'll support you too.

"Thank you very much, Mishiro."

Since childhood they known each other. Shinohara's family died in a car accident when he was nine years old. No one from his relatives wants to adapt him so they brought him in the orphanage.

Asami's uncle, Shinju Maki was one of the founder of the orphanage. He met the old Maki along with Ryuichi and small Shinichi that used to come and play with him and with the rest of the orphan kids lived in there.

Since their elementary till high school, they went on the same school. Old Maki want him to stayed and to lived with them along with the family but he choose to stay at the orphanage. Although he received allowance from him, he still had a part-time job during night to support his studies.

He'a a smart and talented person. So after high school,many exclusive and famous school offered him scholarship. He decided to went with Asami in Hong Kong to study college with him.

Before Asami finished his College, where he took Major in Economics course, he consociated with some illegal syndicates in Hong Kong. Fei Long, his classmate and one of his friend, introduced him the "chinese underworld' which gives him a lot of money.

Most of Fei Long family business was casinos and clubs. Asami liked the life he had with him. However, Asami's family owned a famous and a big tv network in Japan but he doesn't want to take over the said family business. And he decided to have his own business, a club and casino when he come to Japan.

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