Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Now, that you're exam we're done and sembreak soon starts, we're going to have a practice games with some university. I supposed to see that your performance will be good. We agreed to joined the other two team here in Tokyo. And this year, we and the other team from Tokyo will go to Kanagawa for the practice games." Said Coach Saito to his team members that afternoon after their practice.

"Coach, how many days we're staying in Kanagawa and what university we're having a games?" Asked the team captain,

"One week.....we stay in Kanagawa for one week at we're playing with three teams. First Yokoham National, next Toin and the last Kanagawa College."

From the start, when the coach mentioned about 'Kanagawa' , it makes Sakuragi agitated. Maki and Fujima whose standing next to him noticed it and they just gently patted him in his shoulder.

"Sakuragi-kun, the Dean actually talked about you. One of his rules wasn't allowed any club member to joined practice games to those self-supporting student, especially during sembreak. He knew that this was your best time to earn and to save." He said when he noticed Sakuragi's reaction about the practice games.

"Really Coach Saito?! means it's okay even I don't go with the team in the practice games?" Suddenly smile shown on his face.

"Yes, that's one of the rules especially the practice games were outside the Tokyo. Aside for being self-supporting, you're scholar, that's why the Dean we're concern on you. But make sure you'll be focus when the tournament comes.

"Yes Coach. Thank you very much." Sakuragi felt relief when he heard it.

"Tomorrow at eight in the morning we're gonna meet at Shinigawa station, won't be late. Is that clear? Ueki-kun please email to all other coaches of each universities the lists of our team member who'll join the practice games. Reserve players, you can join us if you wanted to...."

From the fourteen applicants for the try-out, only two from them chosen to part of the line-up. From the twelve left, only six remains to be reserve players for the next year while the rest quit the team. Even though Sakuragi won't attend the try-out, he joined the other two freshmen on the line-up. He's with Kiyota (small forward) and Daiko (shooting guard) and himself center....and the coach decide that he can also play as power forward for sometime.

In their locker room, everyone were happily chatting while the rest taking their shower and the rest fixing their things.

"Ne Hana-kun, are you alright? Don't worry too much. You hear what Coach says."

"I'm alright Ken-san. I'm just surprised....nyahahaha"

"But Sakuragi-kun, you know you can't hide from them all your life. Time will come that you need to face them. "

"I know Hanagata-san. But.... I don't really know if i can face them now. But don't worry, it won't affect my performance for the upcoming tournament. " he smiled at him and leave to take a shower.

Maki looked at him until he enter the shower booth then sighed. "I hoped no one would mentioned about him being here in Tokyo Uni. I don't want them to bother him. " he said worriedly.

"Don't worry Shinichi-kun, I'll talk to that captain and vice...perhaps they won't disagree..."

"I hoped...too..."


"Just liked we agreed before, some of the universities from Tokyo will come here in Kanagawa for the practice games. First we'll have a games with Kokushikan, next Tamagawa and the last........the champion Tokyo Uni. They'll stay here for one week. I expect to see your best for the games...but of course avoid injuries. "

"Coach Sakano, can we know the status of each team?" Asked Ayako. As a team manager, it's her job to know the informations and abilities of each team member.

"I'll call you Ayako-san when I received the print-out. For now, I want you to make sure that they'll follow the training menu that I gave you."

"Hai coach!"

"Unfortunately, some of the players from the other team won't join us in the practice games. Be sure to be prepared and don't let you guard down on tournament, we don't know what kind of play they have.

"Coach Sakano...does it mean that they look down on us?

"No. Some of them are self-supporting students, while the rest having their vacation to visit their families.."

"Coach, how about our line-up...our starting member?" Asked Akagi.

He looked at him earnestly. "And that's what I want to discuss with you Captain Akagi, Captain Saito. This year, Tokyo Uni was much stronger than last year... And you Akagi-san is the only one I can match-up with their new center."

Raised his eye brow and asked. "What do you mean Coach?"

"You'll know it when you met him...."then the Coach left them while Akagi is thinking.

In the locker room, everyone had their comments and opinion about what the Coach told them.

"Captain Akagi, you think we know that center the one that Coach just mentioned." Asked Sato, one of the team captain.

"I had no idea Sato-san. I knew that Sagawara's plays was in a different level and other than that,..Hanagata was also in their team. Maybe that freshman was really good."

"Aside from Sagawara-san ang Hanagata from Tokyo, I don't know anyone better than them for being the best center in Japan. Well, except if they had Sakuragi in their team." Unconsciously commented Fukuda.

Everybody's gazed turn on him when they heard his comment.

"Wait ....wait's impossible Fukuda-san. We all know that aside for being athletic, you have to be good in academic before you can passed and study in Tokyo Uni." Disagreed Hikoichi on what he said.

"Hikoichi is right, and if it's true that Hanamichi is in Tokyo team, I'll be happy to play with him...right Rukawa?" Smirked and asked Rukawa who was standing next to Sendoh.

"Hey.... Hey Miyagi! Although Sakuragi' s grades was good in his high school year, it is imposbile for him to enter Tokyo Uni...we know how much expensive the tuition fee there. "

"It's enough...we will found out about that when we met the team. Go ....all of you...take your shower and rest!" Interrupt Akagi. In his mind.....really wondering who was that newst center that their coach mentioned.

"While the rest having their taking shower, Rukawa was thinking deeply and Sendoh approached him.

"Kaede....we already talked about it. If ever we met Hana-chan....don't you think it's the right time to talked and settled everything with him."

"Settled what?" he said coldly and left the locker room.

He surprised on his answer. After the fussed about Sakuragi's photo in Shangri-La, it takes days for him to be able to talked to him again.

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