Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"Forgive me for keeping this matters to you for so long. I've been caught between the two of you...and I had no idea what to do." Shinohara explained, whilst rest just listening carefully.

"Since when? When did you know about this?"

"Before Liu-san died. Feilong recognized him as his father. You know him...When he heard that Feilong commit a suicide, he had an heart attack. But before that, he asked one of his lawyer to send the confidential files to me that contains Feilong's true identity."

"Did Feilong know about this?"

"No." He sighed. "And I don't have plan to tell him about this either. He was one year older than me. Liu-san real son died on a disease and on the same day they passed by and witnessed the car accident. Instead of taking Mikano, Feilong's real name, in the hospital. Liu-san took him to his house to treat his wounds. And since then, his dead son revived through my brother personality." He stated sadly. "When I wake up the next day, they told me that my parents and two brothers died. I'm the only one who survived the accident..." And he sobbed quietly. Youhei sat closer and comfort the lawyer. "I'm sorry. I had no intention to deceived you...Ryuichi..."

Asami walk closer and stood in front of him then gently touched his head. "Don't worry about it Mishiro, I understand. We're brothers too remember?"

"When I learnt about that, I searched for Feilong. I do some investigation if it's true that he committed a suicide. And indeed it's true, he committed when he found out that Akihito died in the car accident which involved you too..." Then he looked at Asami with a trace of pain in their eyes. "Someone save him and I searched for that person. Luckily I found him and helped him financially."

"Do you still remember the guy Mishiro-kun?" Asked Maki.

"Yes. I pleaded him not to tell Feilong about me. I told him to kept it just between us. I bought a house in Kanagawa for him to stay. And I still contacted that person secretly. I saw how Feilong starts to regain himself. He was so happy with that person. But that person was unaware that I did some investigation about his identity..." And he looked at them one by one. "And I found out that he was one of the student in your university. And one of your team mate." He said, everyone was stunned and at the same time, felt frightened.

Everyone turned at Rukawa, who also shock from what the lawyer said. "Hn?" He raise his eyebrow. And realized that everyone suspected him.

"Not him...not Rukawa-kun.." Then he stared at Sendoh. "You're best friend Sendoh-kun. Hiroaki Koshino."

And they were interrupted when Asami' phone rung. "Hello...yes... I'm coming..." After he hung the phone, he hurriedly took his jacket and rush out the door. "They found Hana..."


"No! I won't allowed you to do that!" Said the familiar guy.

"Of course you do Koshino!" And Sakuragi was shocked. It's confirmed...that's why the voice seems familiar because he always hear it during the time he was close with Sendoh.

"That's the only way...and I assure you after that Asami will hated Hana-chan. And when Rukawa found out about their break-up, he'll go back to Hana-chan. And in the end, you'll have your beloved Sendoh. When we used those naked photos, none of them will I right?"

"Yes.. I admit I love Akira! But I never think something evil like this just to have him!"

"Really?! As fas as I know, you still having sex with whenever Rukawa wasn't around. And how? Because you threaten the poor Sendoh that you'll exposed your affair with him to Rukawa if he didn't sleep with you..."

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