Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"What?! Why?" Takamiya yelled on someone he was talking on his phone. "but how, I already send it to her...okay....bye...i'll try." And scratched his head.

Ohkuso and Noma just looked at each other and asked him."What was that Takamiya?"

"I don't know, Youhei just told me erased the photo we send to Haruko." He answered and wondered.

"Wait...he's the one who tell us to send it to Haruko. Is there a problem? Come on... Let's check her in cafeteria."

Three of them walked fast to the cafeteria to search for Haruko. They spotted her with her brother and the rest of the basketball team eating lunch.

"Excuse me Haruko-chan....can we talk to you for a minute?" Asked Noma when he get near and whispered on her.

" are you? By the way, I like to thank you for the was's really suits him." She cheerfully told him and clasped her hands.

"Actually,....well...... Haruko-chan...we have a favor to asked you it's about the photo. Can you delete it....please." Whispered Ohkuso in her.

To her surprised, she unaware yelled at him." What?! But why....Mito-kun is the one who told you to send it to me! there something wrong about that?"

"We're really sorry Haruko-chan, even us ...we don't know why. It's Youhei who told us to tell you about it...we're really sorry. He don't even tell us why...but he said even Saku....him doesn't know about the photos. " he didn't continued mentioning the redhead's name.

"Hey...hey you three over there...what are you doing to my sister? Haruko what photos are you talking about? Let me see it." Interrupt Akagi who overheard their conversation.

Haruko shuddered on his brother's word. "'s nothing..."

Akagi glared at her icily. "Let me see it! Now!"

Because of her feared on her brother, she get the phone form her bag and give to him. He immediately open the photo file to search and to looked for the photos that they were talking about. Miyagi and Mitsui also joined him .

"Waaaa.....sugoi! Hanamichi looks amazing on his suit!" Yelled Miyagi when he see the photo. Promptly Ayako stood and joined them.

"Sugoi, sugoi! Unbelievable. Hanamichi Sakuragi was a different person on his tuxedo. I wonder why do you want to delete it.....he's so handsome on that photo."

"We have no idea. That was just last night. Youhei told us to delete...actually we want to see the view was spectacular."said Takamiya.

"'s actually familiar. I think I saw it before it. "

"You're right! The view was really beautiful! It's obviously expensive. I knew it...but i just forget the name."

They keep on thinking....until......"Piacere!!! Shangri-La!!!!!" They all shouted, Miyagi, Mitsui and Ayako.

"Who had thought about it! Hanamichi wa s a bigtime now. He just went to Tokyo...and now....he went to that expensive restaurant." Then everyone laughed on him.

Everyone startled when suddenly Sendoh throw the chair next to him. "Kaede, is that the reason why you don't want me to come with you to Tokyo?! Tell me!" He shouted at blue-eyed guy in front of him.


"That's why you don't want me to come with you because you're seeing Sakuragi?!" Each and everyone just gaped and keep their mouth shut.

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