Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Hana?... Hana darling?" She asked again the young man to make sure that was him. She instantly stand and embraced him when she knew that it was really him. "Oh, oh my God Hana-chan, look at you! You're so handsome! We didn't know you are here in Tokyo. How are you? Have you seen Kaede?"

"Kanako-san...."he hugged her back. He was hesitate to greet or to hugged her back. But something in his heart telling him to do so. She was really nice to him.....back then even until he can't just go and ignored her. "How are you?" He asked the woman, and to noticed that she's not alone. "Good evening are you?"

The man stand up to greet him. "I'm fine Sakuragi-kun. We don't hear any news from you after you graduation in high school. How's life? Did you study in college?"

"Forgive me Rukawa-san, something happened so I have to come here...."then he felt light-headed and almost fall. Asami catch and hold him tight.

"Are you okay Hana?" Asami asked him and touched his forehead to see how is he.

Although he was surprised in the way he call his name, he just smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm okay...Ryu....just fell dizzy...but I'm fine. Thanks."

"I told just try the wine...not to finished it." He teased him while holding him on his waist and delicately touched him on his cheek.

"Hehehe....sorry Ryu, I like it ....."

They are in that position when Kaede Rukawa arrived from the comfort room. He was surprised at the scene in front of him and his parents, who just gaping at them.

"Hana?" He never thinks or imagined to see him in that place. He glared at Asami when he noticed that he's holding on redhead's waist.

In spite of shocked to see him, he calmly smiled at him. "Rukawa-kun, nice to see you again." And he holds Asami's hands as a support.

Rukawa was stunned on the way he called him. He looked at him unhappy before he answered. "I'm are you?"

"I'm fine...sorry for intrerupting your dinner. Actually we have to go now. " he tightened his grip on Asami'sa hands. "Kanako-san, Rukawa-san....Happy wedding anniversary...."

"I'm so glad you still remember Hana-chan...thank you very much." And one more time....the woman hugged her tight.

"Hana...can we talked?" Asked Rukawa as they walked to leave.

He turned around to look at him with a obvious sadness on his eyes. "Sure, Rukawa-kun. Perhaps next time, we're in a hurry. Ja...let's go Ryu..." Then they left the Rukawa family.

Whilst holding him, Asami noticed that Sakuragi's body trembled. Inside the elevator, he put his head on Asami's shoulder, while the taller guy hold onto him more tightly.

Exiting the hotel, he immediately open the car's door for Sakuragi. Both went in and drive fast.

"Sakuragi-kun, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Asami-san.....I'm really sorry for calling you in your name." He apologized as he sobbed and wiping his tears.

"It's okay. Actually I like it when you call me in my name. Do you want us to stop for a while...."

"Hm..."he nodded. When the car stopped, they get out the and feel the night breeze. From where they stand, they saw a nice view of Tokyo. The lights of buildings looks like a star at night.

Few minutes past, Sakuragi embraced Asami. He burst into tears and unleash all the pain he felt inside of him.

"Asami-san.... I always think that I'm fine..that I already move in. I thought that I forget him....but now I realized....not yet...I can't.... "He cried on him. Asami hugged him tightly and feel his pain caressing his back.

"Sshhh..... Sakuragi-kun. I understand. When you're ready......I'm here... I'll wait for you...."

They never say anything again. Asami just let him cry on his shoulder to lessen the pain he felt. He embraced him tightly, knowing that's the only way he can for He remembered what Shinohara told him to take it easy. He had no idea what happened to him on the past, but he was willing to wait for him.

When he sees that he stopped from crying, he gently wiped the tears on his cheeks.

"I'll take you home Sakuragi-kun." Then he kissed him tenderly on his forehead.

He only nod at him as the older guy holds his hand and lead him to the car. While on the road, the redhead fell asleep. Asami just looked at him with a sadness look in his eyes. He understand the pain and the sorrow that he feel. He promised to himself, that he would never ever let him get hurt again.

He slowly wake up to know that they're already arrived the house. The redhead took the key from his pocket. Before opening the door, he gave him a gentle kiss on the lips as the older guy kissed and hugged him back. "Thank you very much ....Asami-san."

"Ryu....please call me Ryu... Hana..."

Just when he opened the door, Shinohara went out from the house. "Eh?! Sensei? Asked a startled sakuragi.

"Ohhh... Sakuragi-kun... Ryuichi. Good's the date? Hehehee"

Asami arched hi eyebrow and asked "are you waiting for us?"

"Hahaha...of course not. I found that Mito-kun know hows to play shougi, so we've play. We don't noticed that it's already late." Chuckled Shinohara as he stand in front of the door to leave.

"Ahhh...why you didn't come in now....we can talked here inside you know.."invited Youhei.

Shinohara was really pleased to hear the invitation from Youhei, knowing that not only him wants to know the detail of the said 'date'.

Once entered the house, Sakuragi went straight to his room. Everyone just looked at him. After he closed the door, Shinohara asked Asami promptly. "Ryuichi, what did you to Sakuragi-kun?"

He arched his eye brow on his query. "What did I do? What do you mean?"

"He looked so exhausted...."he stopped and goggled at him. "'t tell"

"No...he's's it... Mito-kun can I asked you something?"

"Sure...about what Asami-san?"

"About Kaede Rukawa....who is he in Sakuragi-kun's life?"

Surprised by his questioned and avoid his gaze. " did you...."

"We've met...we met him Piacere Shangri-La."

Youhei dropped the things he was fixing right away because he was so shocked on what he said. The other two older guy was astonished but they decided not to asked him again.

He leaned on the sofa and sighed deeply. "That's why....that's why he acted like that....did they talked Asami-san? Did he found out where we lived?" He asked him with a worried look on his eyes.

"No....we met him with his parents...."

"I see...... I guess it's fine. About him...Rukawa..I don't know how to say it...actually..."

"They have something in the past....?"

"Yeah. And still my friend was still trying his best to moved on and forget about him. I know you're interested in him, please....not now.. He may just run away from you......"

"Forgive me...Mito-kun...I understand."

"Ne, Ryuichi it's better if we go home now. We should let him to take a rest and think. Okay?"

Before they left, Asami went first to Sakuragi's room to say goodbye. He saw him lying on the bed and sleeping still tuxedo on. Traced of tears on his cheeks so he didn't wake him up. He delicately kissed in the lips and touching his hair before leaving the room.

"Oyasumi Hana........."

"Mito-kun, please call me if something wrong happen." Said Asami before they leave.

"Don't worry Asami-san, tomorrow he will be fine. I'll call you tomorrow, but for now better to leave him alone. "

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