Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"What's the meaning of this? Blackmail Kihano-san?" He bluntly asked the photographer sitting across him that sunday afternoon on his office. Staring at the photo of him and Sakuragi, sitting together at a sushi shop.

"Hahaha... Mr. President...what's with the accusation. It's a gift from me to you. " the photographer replied. "I gave some of the copies to Sakuragi before we start the photo shoot this morning."

"For what?"

"Asami-san...I'm not blind not to see what's going on between the you and him. The good chemistry from both you. Remember I'm a photographer... I can see and read your emotions with or without my camera..."

"Hn?" Arched his eyebrow to his reply.

"We both know that you're behind of all those good things happening to his career. To tell you the truth I admire his potential, so natural yet so innocent. He can do all the things I told him...effortless. And I can say that all your decision for him was all right..."

"He don't know about it..." Surprised but maintained his posture.

"No worries Asami-san. I came here to talk to you about him..."

"What about him?"

"Have you seen the rest of the photos?" He asked and moved the envelop closer to him.

One by one, Asami looked at the photos. Those photos were taken during Sakuragi and the model-actor photo shoot, were he was known as Sakura-chan.

On the photos, it was the redhead's solo shot while wearing the traditional kimono. And the rest, were a stolen shot of both of them while they were chatting, standing so close to each other. Unconsciously, he smile when his eyes captured the photo of him, stroking the long black fake hair of Sakuragi.

And at the last photo, it was Sakuragi wearing a plain white shirt, a torn jeans leaning on a wall. Staring seriously as his right side. He look so unbelievably sexy with those simple clothes. With those shirts, revealed his muscular chest and tanned skin.

"This?" He asked and put the photo in front of the photographer.

"Yes... That was just this morning..before he leave. I asked him if I can take a photo of him wearing those simple shirt. He's gorgeous and talented. He can take all out the emotions I wanted from him."

"You want him to be a model?"

"Right! Honestly I already talked to him and Hikari-san of Creative department. I understand that both of them can't broke their agreement."

"So you know about that..."

"Hahaha...yes...well... I convinced them that they can use it for the promotion of their anime. He'll need it when the time he needs to come reveal his identity. You know he can't hide forever Asami-san."

"Not now Kihano-san.. He's very busy on his studies..."

"I understand. But it doesn't take too much of his time if I will produced those photos right after the tournament. I found out from Hikari-san that Sakuragi-kun agreed to exposed after the game. What do you think, Asami-san?"

"It his decision..."

" see ...he agreed...already. To let you know..there's a lot of endorser wants him to be their Sakura-chan. Though I told them that she's actually a guy, they don't give a damn. They still want him. What can you say about it?"

"I'm not in the position to decide for him..."

"Are you sure about that? Sakuragi-kun told me...he will do it if you allowed him..."

He feel of bit of happiness to know and to hear that the redhead considered him to decide for him. "Why me?"

"He trust you more than anyone else Asami-san. And we both want it, him to be on top. I know that he can do better than this...he has a bright future if we start building him now. Just like they build up his character Yuki. A lot of viewers wanted to see him..Yuki's voice actor... I believe this is the right time and great opportunity to do that."

"If Sakuragi-kun say so. I trusted you Kihano-san. Please take care of his career. "He stand and shook the man's hand.

After the man left, he took the photos from the table, keep it on his jacket's pocket and leave his office.


Panting, almost out of breath, and excitedly running to meet their friend, not seeing for a long time.

"Hanamichi!" They all shouted in unison.

"Takamiya! Noma! Yuji! How are you guys?" He cheerfully greeted his friends. Hugging them tight, he really misses the three.

"We're surprised to read your message that you're coming here, all of a sudden. Does Youhei know about it?"

"Yes, I call him. He'll follow soon right after he finished his work. How's sensei?"

"We also don't know. Let's go and see him. Miyago said he's calling you but you don't answer him." Noma said and they enter the taxi, waiting for them.

"Sorry I'm at work that time. When you call and read your messages, I came here immediately."

"You're okay with that Hanamichi... Study, work ..then you have basketball..."

"It's fine. I don't have much subject in college...our practice...well it's organize, depend on our free schedule. And my work...full time during saturday and sunday."

"It's sunday you're supposed to work full time?"

"It's alright. I told them it's emergency."

So happy to see and to be with him once again. They were talking, chatting about many things. They miss each other so much, not realizing they reached their destination.

"Hey...we're here." After Noma paying the fare, they hurriedly rushed inside the hospital.

Upon reaching the room, Sakuragi standing, hesitating to open the door. He could hear his heart beating so fast, he's very nervous.

"Hanamichi, are you okay? You can back-out if you're not ready..." Ohkuso asked worriedly to his redhead friend.

Sakuragi just nodded, murmuring some words before finally opened the door.

Once the door opened, everyone inside looked disbelief...flabbergasted to see the redhead. One of them was his former lover, his first love... Kaede Rukawa, whose standing in the corner next to Sendoh.

Different emotions, tensions surrounds the room. The redhead froze, doesn't know what to say or what to do at that time. He wanted to run, to escape, to hide from him. But deep inside of him saying this is the right time to face him, to face both of them.

Everybody really surprised to see him, again. No one expected to see him, knowing that the redhead was hiding from a certain person, or better to say, persons. No one dare to say anything.

Blues meet browns. And finally, after a few minutes of staring and gazing...the blues break the defeaning silence between them.


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