Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

He woke up by the ring of his phone. He slowly sit up and answer it. "Hello? ..... Hey Youhei good morning too.........yeah I'm fine don't worry........I 'm sorry I didn't call you......who? ....Shin-chan.....okay I will call him later.....yeah. I said I'm fine...I'll be home soon....bye."

After talking to Youhei, he just noticed the blanket fell on his feet. He pick it up with his bag and his phone ring again.

"Hey, Shin-chan....good morning!.... Yeah I'm alright don't worry...I'm so sorry about that... have to drop by first at the library.....bye..see you later...."

"Geez.... I have a lot of mother.....hmmmp." He mumbled. After fixing the couch and picking his stuffs, he wanted to go in Asami's room to check on him. Before that, someone talk behind him.

"Good morning Sakuragi-kun." It was Shinohara who's holding his cup of coffee.

"Shinohara-sensei, good morning. I am sorry I didn't notice you arrived. I just want to check on Asami-san and also to say goodbye."

"It's fine, come on have some breakfast with us first before you leave. Ryuichi prepared some food." He told him and guide him to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Asami is busy fixing the table. He put three plates and ask Sakuragi on what he wants to eat.

"Good morning Asami-san. Sorry for intruding. Can I do anything, need a help?" He politely ask as he noticed the man is busy preparing.

"Dont worry it's done. Thanks for the last night."he replied while putting some food on his plates.

"You're welcome Asami-san. Honestly I am the one disturbing you. I am really sorry."

He offered him to have some coffee or juice but he refused. Even though he doesn't want to eat that much early in the morning, he can't because Shinohara is forcing him to eat more.

"Sakuragi-kun, I am sorry. I forgot about your parents. They must be worried now."

"Its fine. I lived with my friend. He called me and I already tell him I stayed here."

"I see, so you don't live with your parents.?"

"They're dead." He reply while eating his breakfast.

"Oh, I am really sorry. I didn't know.

"Its alright sensei. It's a along time. "

"Sakuragi-kun? Where do you study?"

"Tokyo University"

"Wow! I knew it, the first time I saw you, know that you are a smart kid." He patted him on his head and laughed.

"Hehe, no not really. Actually they just scouted me in Tokyo Uni because of basketball. It's quite hard to pass the entrance exam, but thank God I actually did it."

Asami just listening joined on their conversation. "Can I ask you something if its alright? Is your salary enough for your know I mean........"

"I can manage aside from the The Lodge, I also have a part-time job at Danny's. It's monday till thursday after school. And the scholarship from Tokyo Uni was a really big help."

"I see, so you're also a scholar....its hard, isn't it?"

"For now, its's still fine. But later on I'll have basketball practice. I am thinking to quit my job at Danny's before preliminary. But for now I have to...." His phone ring once again that interrupts their conversation. "Excuse me...." He answered and went out from the kitchen.

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