Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Kanagawa-80 / Tokyo University-102. The referee whistled to end the games.

Indeed, it was a very tiring and a good match. Although they are all prepared for the game, they don't really expect that Tokyo had a strong players. Even other players from other prefecture, came to watched to game between the Tokyo and Kanagawa.

This is their first loss and last game for Kanagawa College. They admitted that truly, Tokyo University was a very strong opponent that's why now wonder, they've been number one college team for past few years.

Akagi was disappointed to know that the newest center from Tokyo Uni can't came to their practice games due to some personal reason.

"Wew! Still, I can't beat the two of you, Maki and Fujima. I always thought that I'm the best point guard og Japan." Smirked Miyagi as he wiping the sweat on his face.

Fujima chuckled. "Let's just say that you're one of the best Miyagi-kun. Hehehe.

"Before you go back to Tokyo tomorrow, why we don't have a little party. It's been ahwile since the last time we get together." Suggest Mitsui while sitting on the gym floor.

Everybody looks happy to his suggestion. "Guess you're right Mitsui." Agreed Maki.

"Just go take your shower then talk about it! And of course...we're joining too!" Disrupted Ayako who overheard their conversation.

In spite of their loss to Tokyo Uni, they're still glad with the result of their matches, two wins; one loss. Whilst Tokyo won all their matches.


"Gezz... congrats Hanamichi! It's amazing! You see , now you're the one who'll sing the theme song of the famous drama of Japan. Don't you know, that because of it's popularity...they will make a new chapter."

"Actually, even me...I'm so shocked when the director and the producer told me. I can't believe it. Before, I used to see them in TV...and now I'll sing their theme song...nyahahahaha."

"I'm so glad for you Hanamichi. Just be confident and be yourself. I know you can do it, and I'm sure if Oyaji-san still alive, he would be happy for you too."

"Thanks Youhei...if you don't give me advice, I think I can't do it, mine and Otoosan's dreams...and I was also thankful to Asami-san and sensei..."

"'s nothing. It's because of your talent. This is just the beginning Hanamichi. I trust'll make it on top."

"Thanks...thank you very much Youhei. I'll tell the rest when I'm ready. After the tournament I'll face them...all."

"And I'm always be here for you. I am happy for you. Come on, let's eat sushi." He happily invited his friend.

Never, he imagined the his friend's career will begun like this. At first, he just wanted him to be a voice actor, so at least maybe, someone out there will discover his talent in voice acting...and singing. But before they air the anime drama, the management decided to make a music videos for it to attract the viewers to listen and watch the anime.

Just before the airing of the said anime, some of the music writer and producer actually wanted to compose a new song for his redhead friend.

And because of Sakuragi and manager's agreement, they decided not to bother him from his other activities. Hikari mentioned them that Sakuragi was only a part-timer and it will affect his studies if they want him to take all jobs that they want him to do. And aside from that, they also agreed on his contract that he is allowed for only two project at the time.

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