Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Practice for that day was ended. While the rest stayed at the gym, most of them starts walking to the locker room take their shower.

"Ne, Shin-chan, are you okay? I noticed you're not in a good mood today? Something happened?" Asked Sakuragi to Maki when he noticed that his senpai wasn't looked good since their practice.

"I'm fine Hana-chan."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired, that's all. You have work tonight?"

"I do. I'll go straight in the bar after I'm done shower."

"It's still early....."

"Instead of going hime to sleep, I asked my manager to let me sleep in quarter's room in a bar. Youhei's in his work, no one will wake me up if I go home."

"Sleep at my house. I'll wake you up..."

"Is that okay? I know you're busy. Your mentor is coming today right?"

"It's's only one hour and beside we study in TV room."

"I see...okay I'll go with you."And he smile lovingly at him then go to take his bath.

"So, you feel okay now Shinichi-kun?"Fujima smirked at him when he noticed his mood changed after talking to Sakuragi.

Hanagata walked behind to teased him. "Well...that's Hana-chan's charm."he grinned.

"Maki-senpai, can I go to your house too?" Asked Kiyota next to him.

"I'm sorry Nobu-kun. I have lecture today. Hana-chan just stay for one hour. He has work tonight."

"Hmmmp!" And he barged in the shower booth.

Maki notice Kiyota's reaction. "On can sleep in my house!"he yelled at him.


After done their food, they washed the plates and Maki take him to his room,

"Hana-chan my pajama is in the first drawer, you can use it. Go to sleep."

"You'll not sleep?"

"No. My mentor is coming soon. Go to sleep. What time can I wake you up?"

"Seven. At quarter to eight I have to be there. I'll sleep now Shin-chan."he said. Maki went out to his room and closed the door.

When Maki closed the door, he opened his eyes again. Although Maki didn't say anything to him, he knew that's something bothering his friend. It's been a year since they become a good friend. At first, he hesitate to accept the friendship he offered on him.

After the incident last year, he become one of his trusted and closest friend especially now that he's in Tokyo. Aside from Youhei and the gundam, Maki is the one who advised and convinced him to take an entrance exam and grabbed the scholarship from Tokyo Uni.

Maki was also the one who helped him to moved on and to start again. After he broke-up with Rukawa, he gave him some advice and self- confidence to begin to reach his dreams in life. Aside from that, he's the one who looked for the house him and Youhei in Tokyo near their school. At first, he offered them to live with him in his apartment but they declined. Being with Maki, as one of his friend was more than enough for him.

"How are you Maki-kun? It's been a awhile? Last week, we visit your Dad in Kanagawa."said Shinohara while preparing the papers they'll needed for their studying.

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