Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

He's avoiding and pretending not to hear him. His gaze immediately turned to the man, who is peacefully sleeping on the bed. He walked closer and stroke the man's gray hair then turned to the woman sitting next to the patient.

"How's sensei Anzai-san? How's his condition?" He asked politely to Anzai-sensei's wife then tenderly hugged the woman.

"Mitsuyoshi's fine now, the doctor said. Don't worry Sakuragi-kun, he just needed more rest. And how are you?"

"I see... I'm fine Anzai-san....thank you...."

The woman smiled and asked again. "How's your study? I'm so glad to see you again..."

Her question makes him feel uncomfortable but still he smile to answer her. "Don't worry....I'm doing fine."

The woman noticed his uneasiness and she don't asked her again. She was really glad to see him and to know that the young guy continued his studies.

Sakuragi turned and surveyed gazed to the other person on the room and approached them. " are you guys?" Then embraced the two girls. Miyagi, Mitsui and Kogure follows and joined the redhead, while Akagi tousling his hair.

"Moron Sakuragi! You don't answered my calls!" yelled Miyagi and slapped his broad shoulder, but deep inside he was really happy his kouhai.

"Sorry...sorry Ryochin...I'm at work. How are you guys? Akagi-senpai...Mitchi....Megane-kun..." Grinning while calling them on their pet names. Except Akagi. They have no idea how he misses them all and so happy to see them again.

"So how are you Sakuragi? I think we shouldn't worry about you that look like a model on those signature clothes..." Said Mitsui, looking at him from head to toe.

Just then he realized that he still wearing the clothes they use for the photo shoot that morning. Never come to his mind to change it. When he received a call from Takamiya, he hurriedly catch a train to go in Kanagawa.

"Ahh...nyahaha... Just needed for a job. I'm so glad to see you all guys..." He replied trying to change the topic. His gazed turned to Rukawa and Sendoh standing at the corner of the room. He approached them and offered his hand. "How are you Rukawa-kun...Sendoh-san?"

Both of them surprised on the way Sakuragi addressing them. Still, they shook the guy's hands and embraced him.

"Ne, Hana-chan..." Feel uneasy to call him on his nickname. "How are you? Looking good." Trying to shown his signature smile.

"I'm fine...Sendoh-san...and are you? Turned to asked Rukawa.

"I'm fine..." He replied. " are you?"

"I'm okay...." Then his phone ring." Sorry..." excused himself. He walked near the window and answer his phone "Coach?....don't worry Anzai-sensei is fine now.....yes...just waiting for him to wake up....okay Coach I'll be back tomorrow....okay..." Hung up. He walk to the woman to whispered and just she nodded at him.

"Hey Hanamichi where did you study? We want to know a lot of things about you since you've gone....but when we asked those three..."pointing at Sakuragi's gundam standing behind the door. "they don't tell us anything. It seems that you still playing basketball...right? " said Miyagi.

"Ano......I study at....."interrupted when his phone rung again. When he read the caller's name, a sweet smile slowly shown on his pretty face. He quickly stand up and walked near the window again.

Everyone seen his reaction and the way he smile. They can't denied it, he wasn't the same Sakuragi they knew before. Aside from the signature clothes he was wearing, his gestures become more firmer. From the way he stand, he walks and he talks,it so obvious to notice difference. He wasn't the same old Sakuragi.

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