Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Flashback Part 1

"Everyone!" Called Hikoichi, panting almost losing out of breath when he called his team mates. "Have you heard the news! The rumor wasn't a rumor anymore!"

"Maa, man Hikoichi-kun...what rumor...what news??" Asked Sendoh to his kouhai. They were practicing that afternoon.

"The's not a rumor anymore, it's true. Sakuragi-san and Rukawa-san are officially dating!"

Sendoh dropped the ball he's holding when he heard it. Whilst the rest was shocked from the news. "Wait....Hana-chan told me, they didn't have that kind of relationship. I guess it's not true." Said Sendoh.

"It's true Sendoh-san. My sister told me that, she went to Shohoku High and do an interview for the upcoming Inter High. The two of them confirmed it. They're dating.."

Sendoh suddenly runs fast. "I'll talk to Hana-chan..." He yelled. Leaving his team mates stunned, just watching him to leave.

"Honestly, I'm bit disappointed, unhappy about the news. I always thought that Sendoh-san and Sakuragi-kun was the perfect pair. I always dream that one day, their tandem will be known here in Kanagawa. I'm shocked when my sister told me that..." Hikoichi said. When his sister told him about that, the first thing comes to his mind is to tell Sendoh about it. He knew that the two was close to each other. He believes the Sendoh needs to know the news first before anyone else.

"Hikoichi, I wish you tell us that in a more nicer way. You clearly know know much it will effect Akira." Koshino said, looking at the gym door.


He lean standing on the wall near the entrance of Shohoku High, hands on his pocket. Feel so nervous on how he will face or ask the redhead. Some of the girls passing in front of him can't stop to look at him and giggled.

The two guys happily walking holding hands. "Ne Kaede, what we'll meet at the court?" Asked Sakuragi with a huge grin on his face.

"At four. He answered. Monotone.

"Okay" he replied. His eyes open wider when he saw his Ryonan point guard friend waiting at the entrance of the school. "Akira!!" He hugged him so tight, but Rukawa immediately separates them.

"Don't hug him, Hana!" Rukawa said with a warn tone. And Sakuragi quickly let go the older guy.

"Hahaha...Rukawa, so the news was true? Actually I came here to congratulate both of you" pretended to smile to hide the jealousy he felt. "What if we treat!"

"Hn?" Raise his eyebrow. Annoyed at the spiky-head guy.

"Nyahaha...sorry Akira. We're going home now, then later we'll meet at the court, if you want you can join us later. Or if you can come with me now to my house."

"Sure, but if it's okay with Rukawa." He turned to look to Rukawa to asked his permission

"'s fine. Right Kaede?" He smile sweetly on his ex rival, now his new found lover.

He look at first to Sakuragi then glare icily on Sendoh. "Fine. Don't stay long..."

"Hahaha...don't worry Rukawa. Hana-chan is like my little brother, so you don't have to to scared. " and he put his arms on Sakuragi's neck pulling him closer while smirking at the brunette.

"Okay, let's go. Bye Kaede.. See you later."


"'re the best cook Akira. I'm so full!" Sakuragi gleefully said while touching his full tummy.

The Reason Why (English Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz