The Fire In My Veins

419 34 6

Holly shit, I last updated almost a month ago. *bows head in shame*

Author: thatonesunflowergirl

Genre: Mystery/thriler

No. chapters read: 5

First impression: The hell is this? What is this heavenly grammar?

Cover: Your grammar screams Teen Fiction. Or romance. Mystery/thriller it does not. Is it an ugly cover? No. Am I particularly in love with it? No, but it's too happy and I'm evil.

Cover rating: look at all the pretty butterflies!

Blurb: I think that's not a blurb. I think it's an excerpt. I was quite enjoying it too until BAM! Sex! Wait, wrong story. No, I mean, BAM! Dialogue. That made me think it's actually an excerpt and I'm too damn lazy too check.

Know who else is lazy? You for not having a blurb.

Blurb rating: LAZY!

Let's get it on!

Second impression: What is this bliss?

Actual review *drum roll please*:


I have nothing bad whatsoever to say here so I will just whistle loudly and move on.

Language rating: it's language alright

Plot: I'm pretty close to fanning over here because I really liked your story. There, I said it. I'm not going to rush to read it though because... Italics! You have so many italics! I know they're dreams and shit, but oh, my eyes.

Right, with that out of the way, I like how you subtly show Em's an alien. I like how mysterious her roommate is. I love the whole amnesia setting. Yes, your plot has potential. It slightly baffled me that she recognized the language of the diary without going WTF and having a huge flash back. I mean, strange unearthly words just came to her. So I'm not exactly sure how much she remembers.

I'm going to be honest and say I've read this a long time ago and didn't do the review because I had no idea what to write, how to make it funny. I still don't know how but I have a long list of people waiting so... *shrug*

Plot rating: Interesting


Em: Is confused as hell because she can't remember shit. What I don't understand is how she could stand Hayley's mysteriousness for so long. I mean, any normal human being would've cracked much sooner. Her voice is great. She's also supposedly an alien.

Hayley: Is cryptic and a little annoying, but since I don't know exactly why she's doing what she'd doing, I can't really judge her.

Dream characters: are probably really dead by now.

Character rating: interesting

Why I stopped reading: Had a review to churn out. Plus, I have to say that the timing of your updates is pretty off-putting.

Grade: Pass. Your language is good, the story is good, the characters are good. So we're good J

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