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(My French isn't the best by the way, only when Enrce is speaking it'll be in French, otherwise it's in English~ Author-kun)

Encré's P.O.V
I hid away from everyone, trying to avoid their insults, the... Truth.... I couldn't sit here forever could I?

I slowly got up picking my art things and placing them carefully inside my satchel, closing it. I can't wait for the insults to come as soon as I'm in view of the people around the village(!) not.  I slowly walked away from my hiding place, a small alley that you have to get out the village to get to... I hope they'll all be inside... I hope I'll be able to get home, unseen. But life has other plans, doesn't it? It always does....

I began walking into the town square, keep my head down, make sure no ones around. That was my plan. I put emphasis on was. I ran into one of my bullies...
"HA stupid brat, you can't even speak English without sounding like a misfit!" He shouted, pushing me down... Maybe... He was right?
I slowly spoke, I didn't want to because of the thickness of my French accent though... "Why do you do this...?" My voice was below a whisper.
"Because." The next thing I felt was a kick in the left side of my ribs, I breathed the air in greedily, I think the impact broke one or two of my fragile ribs.... "Your bad at everything." Another two kicks, someone else joined him.
"your stupid!" Two voices spoke at the same time, all I felt was pain, and the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Your ugly!" Shouted a different voice.... I felt a kick to the side of my head, slowly everything began turning black, the colour of ink, the colour of darkness...
Before everything went fully black I felt something cold splash me, I was now soaked in ice cold water, this sudden coldness made me sit up in surprise. The next thing I knew was, that I was back on the floor, someone must of kicked my chest as I was greedily taking deep breaths of the air. I heard a wavering voice, no a sneer, that clearly said: "Go die in the forbidden forest, idiot!" This made me get up, and run, run as fast as I could home.
As soon as I was home, I rushed up to my small box room, and locked the door throwing, my satchel across the room, and laid down on my bed, crying, crying from pain, from fear, from many things, before I knew it, I was sound asleep but the tears never stopped streaming down my cheeks.

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéWhere stories live. Discover now