Chapter Fifteen- your not gonna bite me, are you?

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Encré's P.O.V
I cried, hiding my face in Suave's arm. I was shaking badly. I was beyond terrified!
I heard the door open, I flinched as Suave tried calming me. "Suave, is Encré ok?" Asked a voice I recognised instantly.
"Yes but he's a little shaken up..." sighed Suave as a felt a presence next to me. It was Fallacy.
I whimpered as I was pulled away and placed onto someone's lap. "Encré it's fine now, they won't be coming again any time soon." I felt Fallacy nuzzle my forehead, as I slowly stopped crying, still shaking.
Then I could smell the metallic scent of blood. I looked up at Fallacy, fear evident in my eyes.
"It's ok Encré." Fallacy smiled softly, some of his teeth stained a faint red.
"Y-you k-killed them....?" I whispered, as a felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jaspers hand.
"Encré.... we're sorry but it's a habit for us...." sighed Jasper gently rubbing my shoulder.
"Encré... please forgive me, I do that when I'm angered to a certain extent..." sighed Fallacy, I could hear the fact that he regretted it, it was evident in his voice.
"F-fine... I-I forgive you...." I whispered leaning into Fallacy's chest.
"Thank you Encré." Fallacy smiled gently kissing my forehead making me blush up a rainbow.
"Jasper and I are gonna leave." My head turned towards Jasper and Suave, Jasper was being held a bridal style by Suave.
"Ok Jasper." Smiled Fallacy kindly laughing. "Just don't go making babies."
I laughed as Jasper and Suave blush a dark pink and blue.
"F-father!" Shouted Jasper blushing.
"Just kidding!" Laughed Fallacy loudly, I joined in.
"F-father, Encré!" Shouted Jasper blushing more.
Suave chuckled walking to his and Jaspers now shared room.
"Hehe that was drôle (funny)" I giggled.
"Yeah it was..." Fallacy chuckled.
"A-also Fallacy.... A-are you going to...." I gulped and whispered. "Bite me?" My voice trailed off.
"No, I'm not.... Even though your blood smells so sweet and tastes sweeter it's better if I don't." Fallacy looked a little disappointed but I nodded.
"Ok... I-if you want I'll come to you whenever I get a cut so you can lick it clean." I purred smiling as soon I saw Fallacy smile.
"I'd like that my love." Fallacy kissed my forehead.
I giggled leaning into him. "I love you..."
"I love you too, my masterpiece..." Smiled Fallacy lifting my chin up and kissing me.
I instantly kissed back, smiling into the kiss. We were so DIFFERENT from each other yet so PERFECT for each other.
Fallacy pulled away all too soon. "I'll love you for all eternity my perfect paint covered love." He smiled gently wiping the black paint on my cheek away.
"I'll love you for eternity too, my batty lover." I giggled at my own little pun as Fallacy chuckled seconds later.
"So how are the paintings doing?" He asked, I almost got lost in his strange eyes.
"They're complete...." I sighed dreamily leaning into him.
"Perfect, now I can hang them up in the hallway." He smiled as my eyes widened.
"Y-your gonna display them?!" I exclaimed, fear coming into my voice.
"Yes, they're the most beautiful paintings I've ever seen and you do a better job than most paid artists." He smiled gently, his smile calmed me down a little.
"O-oh...Merci..." I smiled hugging him.
"Your welcome, my love." He chuckled pulling me closer.
Our relationship was PERFECT, nothing could go wrong..... Or could it?

(Booo yah! Another chapter! Sorry it's short and took so long, I'm caught up with school and i have little inspiration to write, so forgive me. It would be amazing if some of you could suggest a few more ideas, they help a skele-TON)

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéWhere stories live. Discover now