Chapter One- why must it hurt?

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Encré's P.O.V
I slowly woke at the break of dawn, slowly sitting up, wincing in pain, recalling every kick I endured yesterday... Maybe I should go in the forest... And let a vampire feed off me, kill me even... I might as well do that, I'll just take two things I hold dear to my heart, my bronzing silver locket with a picture of my only friend I've ever had, my brother, and my best drawing, I think, I've done, a beautiful sketch of what the vampire kings mansion is said to look like, I want to meet him, to find out if the description is true, to find out whether the Vampire King is nice but he'd kill me...
I carefully folded the drawing and placed it into the pocket of my ruined trousers then, I put on the bronzing locket around my neatly tattooed neck. Might as well change while I'm at it...
I walked to the cupboard I called my wardrobe and opened it, every piece of clothing folded carefully, and took out a light yellow shirt walking towards the bathroom... Time to see the damage the bullies inflicted on me...
I shut the door to the bathroom placing my clean shirt on narrow table, slowly unbuttoning my now stained white shirt... I let it fall off my shoulders, but what I saw, horrified me.... Countless ribs, broken, countless fractured covering my torso, a large crack to the left side of my head..... All covered in my dried blood... I felt tears forming, I guess they wanted to kill me but didn't have the chance... As I ran off... Like the coward I am...
I picked up a rag, soaking it in lukewarm water and bringing it to the crack to the left of my head, slowly wiping the dried blood away, wincing as I did so. I repeated this process again and again for my other cracks and broken bones, showing how badly I was hurt. I took bandages out and wrapped them around each rib, over each crack and around my head, wincing in pain yet again. I got the clean yellow shirt and put it on, being careful not to accidentally take any bandages off, as soon as it was on, I buttoned it up and walked out, picking my satchel up. I opened it and placed a the past coins I had in it, leaving my art things in there too... You never know, maybe I'll find something I'd want to draw.
I walked out my house, shutting the door, making sure my satchel was closed, then I ran, I ran quickly out the village to avoid everyone, even though no one would be awake an hour after dawn, 4:50am.
I kept running till I reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, it was then I decided to contemplate whether I should actually risk my life, run into the forest, and probably never be heard of again... I glanced around and walked into the pitch-black forest.

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