Chapter Thirteen- Everything's going bad

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No one's P.O.V
The two new couples did everything together. Slept, ate, talked, you name it.
Everything was going well, so well in fact that it seemed everything was perfect, no not perfect, beyond perfect. Fallacy had his artistic lover, while Jasper had his lover, though he was a servant, their bond was unbreakable. Everything went well, until a young vampire child spied on Fallacy, Jasper, Encré and Suave. The child saw the two couples kiss, sleep, anything really, and they knew that love between a vampire and a mortal was FORBIDDEN.
The child wrote down everything the saw before turning into a bat and flying off. Everything is about to go downhill.

"Lord Jasper, I suggest you calm down!" Exclaimed a maid, Gazelle, while Suave was laughing. Jasper, the young vampire, had turned into a bat and was flying around, aimlessly, almost purposely knocking over vases.
Suave had finally stopped laughing. "M'lord, please come here."
Jasper obeyed, landing on Suave's shoulder, looking at Gazelle, innocently.
"How do you watch this nuisance?!" Exclaimed Gazelle as Suave chuckled.
"I have my ways." Jasper turned back to his skeletal form, forcing a piggy back ride from Suave. "M'lord, what are you doing?"
"Something." Jasper placed his head on Suave's shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck lazily while Suave was holding his legs.
"Well Gazelle, It was a lovely chat but I must tend to Lord Jasper." Stated Suave as he walked to Jasper's room, which was now also his room.
Jasper almost fell asleep, leaning against Suave, but he couldn't as Suave placed him gently on the bed, before kissing his forehead.

Meanwhile Encré was painting, he was working on the last painting, Fallacy sitting behind him, watching every stroke Encré did.
"Encré... You know you don't have to complete these..." Sighed Fallacy as Encré looked at him.
"Monsieur Fallacy, s'il vous plaît, I paint because I enjoy it and it's relaxing so the sooner it's complete, the sooner I can free my mind's creativity." Smiled Encré softly as he gently placed a hand on Fallacy's cheek.
"I understand, my love." Fallacy took Encré's hand, gently placing a kiss on it in a very gentleman like way.
"Fallacy, come ici." Ordered Encré as Fallacy sat next to him.
"Yes Encré?"
"Does this look ok?" Asked Encré as he motioned to the complete painting.
"Yes, of course, it looks perfect my love!" Exclaimed Fallacy carefully wrapping his arm around Encré.
"Good." Encré put the paintbrush down, leaning into Fallacy.
As the two were sharing this silent exchange, someone burst in.
"LORD FALLACY, THE COUNCIL IS HERE!" The person exclaimed quickly, it was one of Fallacy'a servants.
"What?" Asked Fallacy, he didn't seem to process it properly the first time.
"The council is here! They've come to talk about mortals!" Exclaimed the servant slowly.
"Monsieur Fallacy, who are the council?" Asked Encré, curiously.
"The leaders of this damned community." Growled Fallacy as he stood up.
"I thought tu were the king of vampires...." Muttered Encré.
"I am, but they have a little more control than I do." Sighed Fallacy. "Stay here my love." With that Fallacy walked off with the servant. Another servant went to get Jasper.
Fallacy, Jasper, and the council sat in the dining room, the two dark bones vampires staring at the council. The same thought was going through their minds. What are they doing here??!!

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