Chapter Sixteen- Plans

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???'s P.O.V
It's been almost five months since Encré had gone missing.
Lofy, my assistant, was worried as all hell, sure Loft and Encré didn't talk much but they're close friends, well were close friends since Encré hasn't been seen by anyone.
I sighed. "Lofy, Encré will be fine, I bet a vampire wouldn't have the guts to kill someone as nice as him." I tried reassuring her.
"Eterna, he's been missing for months!! I-I doubt that h-he's still alive..." Lofy muttered.
"I'll send a search party if you want, to look for him. How about it?" I smiled slightly as Lofy looked up at me, nervously, slightly scared.
"W-what if he's with a vampire...?" She trailed off.
"Then I'll kill it! Those beasts deserve to die!" I snarled slightly, pure anger and meaning behind my words.
"O-ok.... C-can I come along with t-the search party?"
"Yes sure!" I smiled petting Lofy's smith, yellow scaled head.
"W-when w-will it be?" She asked nervously like always.
"I'm planning the search party for tomorrow, I plan to leave at dusk, or a few hours before." I explained, I knew how worried she was so I always planned the search party arrangements ahead of time.
"Ok.... W-why before dusk...?" She asked quietly.
"Vampires seem to be more active closer to dusk and long through the night, so there's better chance we'll find Encré, if he's alive..." I answered, whispering the last bit nervously.
"O-ok...." she sighed.
I really hated to see Lofy like this.
"I'll inform everyone that we're leaving at dusk tomorrow, pack your stuff." With that I left.

Fallacy's P.O.V
Encré had fallen asleep. In my arms and now was refusing to let go when I tried to get up and leave.
I figured that out when I took him to our room trying to place him onto our bed, but he grabbed onto my arm. Though it was cute, but I had to go eat something. I was starving.
I gently shook Encré. "Encré, my love, please let me go, I have to get something to eat..." I whispered as he whined but opened his eyes.
"Do you have to...?" He complained, I only chuckled softly.
"Yes, you don't want me to bite you, do you Encré?" I asked raising a brow as he let my arm go.
"N-no...." He rubbed his eyes yawning. He must still be sleepy.
"Rest, I'll be back soon." I spoke softly kissing his skull, pulling the blanket over him as he smiled slightly.
"O-ok Fallacy... I love you...." And with that he drifted back to sleep within seconds.
"Heh.... I love you too, Encré, you gentle creature..." I smiled and walked to the kitchen, shutting the bedroom door on my way out.
Once I arrived I ordered a maid to make me some food then walked to the dining room, sitting down.
Encré hasn't been outside in ages.... Maybe it would be nice to take him out into the forest tomorrow... I thought, it seemed like a good idea to me, but I had a bad feeling about it, I wondered why though.
My food arrived and I slowly ate, debating whether or not to take Encré out into the forest for a possibly romantic walk.
About ten minutes later, I had finished eating and left, returning back to my sleeping lover.
I laid down next to him, smiling slightly as he moved closer to me.
"Encré... You're so kind yet... so overlooked...." I sighed wrapping one arm around him and pulling the blanket over myself.
Encré moved slightly, he must be dreaming...
I smiled slightly, closing my eyes and falling into a dreamless yet peaceful slumber.
Little did I know, tomorrow was going to be one of the worst days I could've chose to take Encré out into the forest.

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X Enrcéजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें