Chapter 33- Will Everything be Okay?

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Encre's P.O.V

I woke as I felt my body hit the stone-cold ground, groaning loudly, my vision was blurred. "W-where am I...?" I muttered groggily, I sounded like I had been drugged.
I instantly felt a warm body impact my own, wrapping delicate wings around me as a hiss of pain followed. As my vision cleared I saw that it was Jasper who was 'hugging' me with his wings. "We're in the dungeons..." He whimpered softly.
"I-in Underville?!" I exclaimed, attempting to hug the small vampire but couldn't. My hands seem to be tied up.
Jasper nodded, using the small talons on his wings to cut the rope, freeing my hands.
I instantly wrapped my arms around the small frame of the vampire. "How long was I out...?"
"Since Eterna captured us... So, a few hours? You kept waking up and she put this cloth thing over your mouth and you were knocked out...." He whimpered, shivering.
I hugged him tighter. "That explains it..."
Jasper hid his face in my shoulder, closing his eyes, he looked and sounded exhausted.
"Sleep, I'll stay awake." I smiled softly, rubbing his back gently.
He shook his head.
I started to sing a quiet lullaby, lulling the vampire slowly to sleep. He snuggled against me, his wings dropping slowly. I kept singing long after the young prince fell asleep, it was relaxing.

Once I stopped though, I regretted it. Eterna stormed in. "Encre, why are you so close to the damned thing?!" She shouted in anger.
I hushed her, cradling Jasper slowly, humming the tune of the lullaby making sure the young prince was asleep before finally speaking. "Because he's my son. Maybe not biologically, but he's my son none the less!" I whispered, looking down at Jasper.
"Why?" Eterna asked, disgust in her voice. "Why do you care for him?"
"I love him just as I would love my own child, if I had any. Jasper is no exception, vampire or not. I love him and his father. They're just like normal people but with an abnormality they cannot control." I spoke softly, ceasing my movement.
"They're vampires!" Eterna retorted.
I ignored her, looking down at Jasper.
"Encre, why did you run into the forest?" She asked, raising a brow.
"Because I was bullied! I kept being hurt and I had enough of it! Why does it matter I left? If I came back I would've been bullied, if not killed-" She interrupted me.
"How did Fallacy find you?" She asked, sitting down.
"He saved me." I smiled. "He saved me from dying alone in the forest. I'm happy he did, to be honest." I sighed.
She grunted, getting up and leaving.
"E-Encre...?" I heard a small voice speak, it sounded familiar... Dr Lofy!
I smiled brightly looking for the source of the voice. "Lofy?!"
"O-over here E-Encre!" She walked closer waving.
My smile dropped from my face when Jasper hissed. I quickly moved him and myself from the part of the cell, noticing why Jasper hissed. There was a small crack that let sunlight in. I rubbed Jasper's flowing skull for a few moments before looking back at Lofy.
"Why are y-you in the cell... W-with it?" She asked, she clearly didn't know how to refer to Jasper...
"I was thrown into here with him but I don't care." I said for what seemed the millionth time before adding. "Don't call my son an 'It', he has a name."
She nodded. "Sorry Encre."
I nodded, looking down at Jasper.
"S-so how is it l-living with vampires?" She asked worriedly.
"It's great! I found someone I love but I keep getting kidnapped by Eterna and it's getting really annoying." I muttered the last few words, yawning. Why am I so tired...?
She stared at me. "T-they haven't drunk your b-blood or anything?"
I scoffed. "Of course not!"
"Why are t-they l-letting you stay with t-them?" She asked.
"It's my home now." I answered simply, looking up at her.
"I-I'll go..." She quickly scurried off.

Hours passed. Jasper was still asleep and I was starving but no one came. Well, not until a certain knight came.
"H-hello Mr E-Encre!" He smiled, carrying a bag.
"Hello... Azure, was it?" I asked.
He nodded, smiling happily. "I umm brought you some food, you must be starving! What does Jasper eat? Maybe I can get him something later for when he wakes."
"He eats food." I stated, looking down at Jasper who seemed to stir a little.
Azure stared at me, unamused.
I laughed slightly. "He eats normal food. I've never seen him have blood or anything." I spoke.
Azure quickly slipped the bag into the cell. "Okay."
Jasper woke, moving his wings slowly to cover himself more, yawning loudly.
"Good morning Jasper." I smiled, speaking softly.
"G-good morning Encre." He whispered.
"Sleep well?" I asked.
Jasper sat up in my grip, nodding but instantly froze when he saw Azure, his wings quickly covering him making him hiss in pain.
Azure opened the cell door, rushing in and stopping Jasper's wing from moving. "O-oh god... Did the net hurt you?!"
"Wha-" I have no idea what he's talking about.
"I t-think..." Jasper whimpered.
"May I check?" Azure asked, worry and regret visible in his eyes.
Jasper nodded wearily, relaxing his other wing.
Azure examined Jasper's wing, moving it for a few moments or touching it in random places, mostly along the bones. When he touched a certain spot, Jasper yelped and pulled his wing back. "Sorry!" Azure exclaimed.
Jasper slowly put his wing back out to let Azure continue.
Azure examined the delicate wing more carefully for another twenty or so minutes before stopping. "His wing broke with the impact off the floor and the rocks tied on the next to hold it down... Your wing must've gotten trapped between it but as you struggled, you wing managed to knock it off but not without hurting you." Azure concluded before adding. "I'll get the materials to 'fix' his wing for the time being, I'll be quick! But first you both got too eat." He moved the bag closer to us.
Jasper and I nodded as Azure left.
I quickly untied Jasper's hands before he reached for the bag but stopped, looking at me.
"What are you waiting for Jasper?" I asked, smiling slightly.
"Do you want to eat first?" Jasper asked, grabbing the bag and moving it closer to me. "You haven't eaten at all."
I shook my head. "You eat first."
He frowned, I guess he's not taking no for an answer....
I sighed muttering. "Fine..."
He smiled, opening the bag, looking what's inside of it before passing it to me.
I looked inside, smiling when I saw the large variety of food, taking out an apple and some berries before eating them.
Jasper then took some food for himself, eating it quickly as if he were a starved wolf.
Azure then walked back just as Jasper finished eating. "I've got the things!" He smiled softly, kneeling near Jasper before sorting his wing out. Then he quickly left, as if he were about to get in trouble.
Jasper and I ate in silence, I hope Fallacy finds us soon...I have no idea Eterna will do to us...

(Here you go! for everyone who's been waiting!)

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