Chapter Twenty-One- Kidnapping

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Encré's P.O.V
I shifted in discomfort, waking up, Fallacy had his arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but smile.
"Mon Cher... Je t'aime..." (My dear.... I love you) I whispered softly as I gently rubbed his cheek. His face suddenly became covered in that beautiful golden blush of his as he opened his eyes. "Good morning, my batty lover." I giggled.
He stared at me before chuckling. "Good morning." Fallacy sat up, sitting me up too.
"What are the plans for the day?" I asked, a soft smile plastering his face.
"Well you're resting and I've got to go do somethings, sadly." He sighed, his smile fading away.
"Ok." I nodded cuddling him even though we were sat up.
"Encré, my masterpiece, please let me go, I've got to get ready for the day, but I will come visit you, promise." He smiled kindly at me as I stopped cuddling him.
"Come every hour, s'il vous plaît?" (Come ever hour, please?) I asked, giving him my best puppy eyes.
"Fine my little masterpiece." He smiled kissing my cheek.
I giggled in happiness hugging him.
At that moment Suave walked in. "Good morning M'lord, Encré." He bowed respectively.
"Good morning Suave!" I smiled kindly as he did the same.
"You both should come down for breakfast in about thirty minutes, Then I'll check both your injuries with Lord Jasper." He stated, explaining some of the plans for the start of our day, then left, closing the door.
Fallacy picked me up, getting out of bed. "Let's go get changed then." He smiled kindly and carried me to our now shared bedroom.
He sat me on the bed, opening a few drawers and passing me some clean shirts. He turned away and quickly got ready, so I did the same. We both were changed in under ten minutes.
Fallacy picked me up yet again and carried me to the dining hall, some giggles from the maids along the way. I swear I had a look of confusion on my face.
"Encré, relax, they haven't got anything planned." Fallacy spoke softly, I nodded showing him that I heard him speak.
We arrived at the dining hall and he placed me gently on a chair, pushing me in and then sitting next to me, intertwining our hands together.
Food arrived shortly after and so did Suave and Jasper. They sat across from me and Fallacy, I think they also intertwined their hands together. Other maids sat around us, gossiping and eating.
Fallacy, Jasper, Suave and I, all ate in silence, exchanging some glances along the way. After we all finished Fallacy lifted me up again.
"Lord Fallacy, Encré, you should go to your room, Jasper and I will be there shortly to examine your wounds." Suave half ordered before we left ear shot.
Fallacy didn't prove that he listened but he actually did, as he took us up to our room, laying me on the bed then sitting next to me.
"How do you feel my love?" He asked, he seemed to just have remembered that I was injured.
"Great for being injured, my love, what about you?" I replied, placing my hand on his cheek.
"Fairly well, the cuts just sting a little." He admitted, I couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you for not lying." I whispered kissing his cheek, both he and I blushing either a bright golden yellow or a whole rainbow. We both giggled, smiling brightly. Here I am, with the pers- no VAMPIRE I love most, he hasn't harmed me in anyway, and you know what? I hope we get married some day... I sighed at the thought, smiling.
"Is something wrong my love?" Fallacy asked, worry lacing his voice.
"No no, I just hope we can get married someday." I replied, he seemed to blush more brightly as if he were a star- no the sun.
"Who knows? Maybe we will." He smiled, he seemed a little panicked now.
"I sure hope we do, my sunshine." I smiled, purring slightly, he blushed the brightest yellow possible, his blush could put the sun to shame.
"W-what?" He stuttered, he's sure cute when he's flustered.
"Your my sunshine, my vampire." I kissed his cheek, smiling brightly as he chuckled slightly, averting his eyes.
Suave then walked in. Thanks for ruining the moment. I scoffed mentally, Fallacy helping me sit up. Jasper followed behind Suave, smiling happily.
Mine and Fallacy's wounds were quickly cleaned and changed of their bandages, once that was done Suave and Jasper left. Fallacy stood up to leave. "You've got to leave so soon?" I whined, he pet me.
"Sorry my love but yes, I'll come soon back soon." He smiled kindly, kissing me.
I kissed back, smiling into the kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to make both Fallacy and I smile brightly. Fallacy took his leave after we exchanged another short kiss.
I looked around the room. What to do...? what to do....? I thought to myself as I glanced around the room but stopped as I saw something in the window. I stared at the window for another minute before I saw it again. A flash of blue and Red. I frowned slightly. Please don't tell me that's Eterna...
The window then opened.
"Psst! Encré!" The person whispered and I sighed in annoyance. It was Eterna.
"What is it, ETERNA?" I had hate laced in my voice as I spoke her name, she looked shocked.
"Come! You can escape!" She whisper shouted.
I frowned. "I'm not leaving."
"WHAT?! Your living with vampires!! Your insane!" She exclaimed, he voice almost at her normal tone.
"I don't care! I love Fallacy!" I tried to reason with her.
I guess she wasn't having it as she climbed in, picked me up and jumped out, covering my mouth so I couldn't scream. I began trashing as soon as she picked me up. NO! I want to stay!
Once we were a good distance away she sat me down, keeping her hands tightly on my shoulders. "He doesn't love you. Your being tricked."
"HOW ARE YOU SO SURE?!" I shouted in pure rage.
"Hush! You don't want them to find you, do you?!" She hissed angrily.
"OF COURSE I DO!! It's my home!" I spat, slapping her.
He grabbed my wrist. "Home huh? You sure were brainwashed." She growled, squeezing my wrist.
I opened my mouth to scream but she covered it.
"Scream and I will kill Fallacy on sight." She threatened me, I teared up. She slowly removed her hand.
"Y-your kidnapping m-me f-from my home... Why?" I cried, tears flowing freely down my cheeks with no intention of stopping.
"You don't belong there!" She snapped, slapping me.
I cried more as I felt the stinging of the cheek she slapped. "B-but I love Fallacy...." I felt unsafe without being near Fallacy.
"Sure you do." She rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm harshly before pulling me up.
I hissed at the pain, she had a tight grip on my arm.
"Grow up." She spat, tugging me further away from Fallacy's mansion.
I thought it would be a good idea to scream now, so I did. "FALLACY SAVE ME! ETERNA'S KIDNAPPING ME!" I screamed loudly, letting tears flow down my face. Eterna whipped around to face me, and slapped me again, much harder than before, I'm sure it'll leave a mark.
"IDIOT!" She shouted as she slapped me again before she began running, dragging me along, not caring if I kept tripping and falling.

Fallacy's P.O.V (Mwuhaha)
I was making sure the garden was perfect for when I purposed to Encré when I heard a distant scream. "FALLACY SAVE ME! ETERNA'S KIDNAPPING ME!"  I instantly recognised the voice. It belonged to Encré.
I dropped all I was doing and revealed my large, dark bat wings, taking flight almost instantly. I had to save Encré.
I flew high up in the sky, quickly, my eyes scanning the area, on the look out for Eterna and Encré. I kept going, I slowly started to loose hope until....
"FALLACY PLESSE HELP!" I heard Encré scream, I looked down, I was above him. I was beyond outraged to see Eterna slap him and speed up.
I suddenly began diving. I didn't care if I could die, I had to save my living masterpiece.
I kept diving until I was almost two meters away from the forest floor, changing to fly horizontally. I was on their trail, zooming in and out of trees until....

(CLIFFHANGER! WOOO! Also sorry for not updating sooner, I just got back to school from the Christmas break a few days ago and I'm already stressed. I'll update as soon as I can, I promise, but please don't rush me, it's hard for me to write when I'm stressed as I barely sleep, I can barely think straight and my mind goes blank. I'm trying to relax a little but I can't help but be stressed so sorry for the long wait.)

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