Chapter Fouteen- FORBIDDEN LOVE

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No one's P.O.V
The two dark boned vampires stared at the members of the council in front of them, in silence.
"You may be wondering why we're here. Are you not?" Asked the council member in the middle of the other two, in total there were three council members.
"Yes we are." Growled Fallacy, his voice laced with venom.
"Well, we've been told by Carlos that you, Fallacy, love a French mortal artist and Jasper loves his servant, is this true?" Asked the center council member.
"Let me remind you that it's forbidden for you two to love mortals." Stated the council member to the left.
"So what?!" Growled Fallacy loudly, standing up. "I AM THE KING OF VAMPIRES AND I MAKE THE RULES MEANING ONLY I CAN BREAK THEM!"
"Father calm down..." Muttered Jasper tugging at Fallacy's cloak gently.
"Fine." Spat Fallacy sitting down, his voice was laced with hatred.
"So what is this artist's name?" Asked the council member in the middle.
Just then, a small black bat flew around the room carrying paintbrushes, and shortly after Encré ran in, cursing loudly in French.
Jasper stared at Encré, each curse coming off his tongue made him want to laugh because of the way he worded them into insults.
"Carlos. Give Encré back his paintbrushes." Growled Fallacy glaring at the small bat, who turned human.
"Fine." Spat the small human, no vampire, as he threw the paintbrushes at Encré.
Encré picked the paintbrushes up, muttering until a council member spoke.
"Who is this?" Asked the one to the left asked.
"This is the artist." Spoke Carlos, hate laced in his voice. "He hasn't been bitten yet." He added quickly.
"B-bitten?!" Exclaimed Encré, his voice laced with fear making his French accent seemingly thicker.
Suddenly the only council member that hasn't spoke was behind Encré, his head near Encré's non existent ear. "Yes bitten." He growled.
Encré could feel his cold breath on his neck and cheek, he wanted to burst into tears, he wanted to run into Fallacy's strong yet safe grip. Encré didn't dare move, fear was evident in his face.
"That's enough." Growled Fallacy as he pulled Encré gently into a hug, pulling him away from the council member.
Encré hid his face in Fallacy's chest, crying. He was just so scared, almost as scared as when he saw his brother die in front of him.
"Shhh calm down Encré." Whispered Fallacy as Encré slowly calmed down, not moving his head nor moving at all other than his gentle soft breaths.
Suave came in at that moment. "Should I take Encré to his room?" Asked Suave, calmly, he was obviously terrified of the council but he hid it with his calmness.
Jasper's head shot towards Suave, smiling gently.
"That would be great of you Suave. Please do." Spoke Fallacy as he walked Encré to Suave, Encré instantly gripping onto Suave's arm in fear.
Jasper felt a small pang of jealously in his soul but he knew there was nothing between Suave and Encré, but yet he couldn't help but feel jealous at seeing someone grab onto HIS love in fear.
Fallacy then spoke. "We are the royal family, it doesn't matter if rules are broken for us. Your breaking one right now."
"What?" Spat the one who was behind Encré.
"You coming unexpectedly onto my property." Growled Fallacy, hatred and anger visible in his eyes and voice.
"Oh sugar...." Muttered one of the council. Fallacy was RIGHT.
"We'll give you... thirty seconds to run." Smirked Jasper, he knew what Fallacy was thinking, besides like the saying goes, Like father like son.
The council members scurried away for their lives, they almost made it out until Fallacy appeared in front of the door.
"Too slow." He smirked as they turned around, about to dash off but Jasper was behind them, blocking off their escape.
"W-what are you going to do?!" All three exclaimed at the same time until, within a blink of an eye, two of them were dust, crimson blood dripping of the fangs of Fallacy and Jasper. The two vampires had insanity in their eyes as the cornered the last member who had fear in his eyes.
"P-please don't kill me! I- please!" He begged and Fallacy stopped.
"Fine. But if you come here again by the word of Carlos without actual proof without a months notice, you won't be so lucky." Fallacy growled and as soon as he was done, the member ran off in fear.
"That scared him good." Smirked Jasper wiping the blood away from his fangs.
"Yes it did." Sighed Fallacy, also wiping the blood away.
The two vampires slowly walked to their mortal lovers, who both were in the art room. Suave comforting a crying and a shaking Encré.
Will Encré trust any vampire after that.... terrifying event?

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéWhere stories live. Discover now