Chapter Eighteen- Blood.

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Fallacy's P.O.V
I waited for my death to come... But it never did. I felt something drip onto my right cheek so I dared to open my eyes, and what I saw made me open my eyes widen and I felt tears silently begin to flow down my face.
"E-Encré?" I whispered softly lifting my hand up.
Encré was kneeling in front of me, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his arms outstretched and head down, his face only visible to me. He slowly smiled, despite the pained look on his face.
My eyes slowly over looked his body but suddenly stopped at the blood stain on the left side of his shirt. My eyes widened in realisation.
I softly whispered. "Why?"
"T-to p-protect w-who I love... Like my b-brother once said, If y-you truly l-love s-someone, y-you will d-do anything to p-protect them. No matter what or who they are." He coughed out, the soft smile plastered on his face.
I slowly looked behind Encré, Eterna stood there, her face in shock as he held something that was the cause of the blood stain on Encré's shirt. Azure and Lofy behind her, both also had shocked looks on their faces as Eterna backed away, eyes wide. She had let go of whatever she was holding.
Encré slowly fell forward and I caught him, pulling his body into my chest.
My eyes widened slightly yet again, there was the stake that Eterna one held, in Encré's back. It seemed to go through his ribcage. I slowly unbuttoned Encré's shirt, the sight made me gag. There was the stake, poking through the left side of his ribcage.
"E-Encré... D-don't leave me..." I hugged him as I begun crying. I didn't care that Eterna, Azure or Lofy were standing there, all that mattered was that my love, my living masterpiece was ok, but he wasn't.
"Lofy....Eterna... I think we should leave..." Whispered Azure, I kept crying for a few more minutes before looking up.
"YOU" I growled standing up, holding Encré close. "YOU DID THIS!" I shouted, my wings coming into view, the look of fear on their faces made me want to laugh. "YOU KNOW WHAT?" I laughed slightly. "YOU CAN LIVE ANOTHER DAY. That's what Encré would want... But if I ever see you again, I won't spare you." I spat and then one by one, the three ran off.
I felt a hand slowly caress my cheek. "T-thank you Fallacy..."
I looked down at Encré, his soft smile widening slightly. "I only did what you would want me too..." I whispered holding him closer.
"I know... But thank you...." He began coughing, blood spraying all over his shirt, some getting on my shirt.
"Save your strength, my living artwork, I'll get us home safely." I revealed my wings and ran, flapping them slowly taking flight.
"F-fallacy?!" Encré whimpered in fear, grabbing onto my shirt tightly.
"I won't let you go. I promise." I promised him, I won't break that promise.
I flew quickly, I wanted to slow down and admire the peacefulness of the night but I couldn't. Encré needed medical attention and fast. I tried to speed up, but I ended up slowing down. I quickly wrapped my wings around Encré, flying through the window. I shielded him from the shards of glass but I didn't shield myself.
Suave ran up to me and saw. "Fallacy?!" He exclaimed, I was always against damaging my property but for Encré, I would do anything.
"Tend to Encré first." I ordered showing the injured skeleton in my arms.
He nodded without a word, taking Encré from me and rushing off to tend to his wound.
I sat there, shards of glass covering me. I was completely zoned out until I heard a panicked voice speak.
"Father? What happened?!" The voice exclaimed, I looked at the owner of the voice. It was my son, Jasper.
"E-Encré was h-hurt.... H-he needed medical attention..." I muttered standing up, wincing in pain as I did so.
He grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to my room, forcing me to sit down on the bed. He slowly tended to my wounds, I kept hissing in pain as he pulled out shards of glass from my back and arms. "Why did you think it would be a good idea to jump through window?" He asked looking up at me pulling another shard out.
I hissed before replying. "I didn't think. I had to get someone to help Encré quickly-" I hissed again, he pulled yet another shard out. "I know it was bad idea..."
"It was not a bad idea... It was a terrible one!" He scolded me.
I rolled my eyes.
"That's all the shards of glass." He pulled out the last shard making me hiss.
"Thank god." I muttered as he began bandaging my back and arms.
"Once I'm done, we'll both go check on Encré." Jasper stated and I sighed.
Please be ok Encré, my living masterpiece...

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéWhere stories live. Discover now