Chapter Five- A shoulder to cry on

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Fallacy's P.O.V
After suave and Encré finished chatting, I motioned suave out the room and asked him to explain everything. And he did.

Encre's P.O.V
The smaller vampire could tell I spoke English. I saw it in his eyes. "So your names Encre? You speak English don't you?" Asked the vampire.
I nodded in response and spoke: "oui, but my l'anglais is terrible." He seemed to to understand the way I spoke.
"My name is Jasper. I am Fallacy's son." He introduced himself. I nodded to say 'it's nice to meet you'. "Monsieur Encre, talk as often as you can in English. It will help you learn it, I'll also get my Father to learn French. Mr Suave is teaching me it at the moment." Spoke Jasper calmly.
"Just Encre Will do Jasper..." I muttered, I honestly, was terrified.
"Don't worry Encre, my father and I won't harm you, you seem to have had a bad last few weeks. You were almost passed out for a week." Jasper stated as if he knew what I were thinking.
"Ok." I spoke, my French accent hiding most of my worry.
Just as I said 'ok', Fallacy and Suave walked in. Fallacy had a look of pity in his eyes, but his features remained... Emotionless. While suave on the other hand looked sad.
"I'm sorry you had to experience that Encre." Spoke fallacy, sadly.
"I haven't s-said the truth..." I muttered, Fallacy looked slightly surprised that I spoke English.
"I was wondering when you'd speak in English." He spoke calmly.
"Sorry monsieur Fallacy, my l'anglais is bad." I admitted.
"It's fine Encre, I understand that it's easier for you to talk in French, correct?"
"Oui monsieur Fallacy." I replied.
"Please just call me Fallacy." He stated, as I nodded an 'OK'. "Suave, Jasper, you may leave now." Suave nodded and left along with Jasper. It was now only me, and Fallacy.
"What have you lied about?" Fallacy spoke coldly.
"A-about my brother..." My voice faltered, I was almost in tears, then Fallacy spoke coldly yet again.
"Encre. You don't lie to me. I am Fallacy, Kind of Vampires, I can kill you at any instance I want. But you know why I don't?"
I shook my head.
"Because you interest me. Your art interests me." His voice softened.
"I-its bad though...l-I...." I teared up, looking away. I don't want to be here. I just wish he left me to die.
"Encre? Are you ok?" He seemed worried.
"O-oui...." I muttered wiping the tears away. Why can't he just LEAVE?

Fallacy's P.O.V
I sighed and hugged him, feeling him flinch a little but not move at all.
"I'm sorry for making you cry Encre, I just wanted to make sure your not lying... Like our previous guest.... Who almost killed me...." I looked at him, he had moved to crying in my chest. This made me smile slightly... It made me fully a little funny.... I felt heat come to my face. Damn it, I'm blushing, aren't I? "Encre... What happened to your brother?" I asked.
"H-he didn't die.... H-he was killed..." Encre was in tears.
"By who?" I almost immediately regretted saying that.
"V-vampires...." Encre his his face him my chest. Why did he trust me and Jasper so much? We're vampires... Yet I think I killed his Brother....
"What did he look like?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound comforting.
"Ici..." (Here...) He passed me the locket that was around his neck. I opened it and my eyes widened... I KILLED Encre's brother..... I can't tell him that!
"What was his name?" I asked trying to hide the sadness in my voice, I can't tell him. He'd hate me and run off... He'd get lost o-or a different vampire would kill him.... I listed in my mind everything that could happen.
"H-his nom was.... I f-forgot... H-he died w-when I was young... He was slightly older than I..." He stuttered in tears.
"Poor you..." I hugged him as he cried into my chest. I screwed up BIG time.

(Hello, author-kun here! I'm glad people are reading this story, really I am, it's already got 100+ views! Amazing how that happened so quickly! But anyway I'm just here to say that if you haven't noticed, I've been going back  and editing my chapters. A lot. That way I can make sure it meets my standard of a good chapter. I'll try publish at least one more chapter within 10 hours of this chapter. It's almost finished. Most of my A/N's will be deleted once the story is finished. Merci for taking your time to read this.
I'll also add pictures  in the next chapter of Suave, Jasper, Encre and Fallacy.)

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