Chapter Four- The Meeting (Part 2)

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Fallacy's P.O.V
It's almost been a week since I've brought him here. He still hasn't woke. It's beginning to worry me. A lot.
Who knows when he last ate? Or drank? But bad news aside... He's healing pretty well... Even though it's really slowly... I might need to heal him... Though I probably won't heal fully, it might wake him up... I hope so....
As I was in the library, I took a book out flipping it to a page: 'healing, tricks and shortcuts'. This'll help me heal the fragile skeleton... I quickly read the whole page, twice then put the book away, rushing to my bedroom.
I opened the door and walked to my bed, reciting every single word that was on the page.  I closed my eyes, thinking of seeing him heal, then I reopened them, my hands were surrounded in a calming green glow, and slowly the skeletons torso was also surrounded, I waited until the bandages fell of, he was healed to the best of my ability but, two ribs still looked broken, and the side of his head too... Looks like from here he has to heal on his own.
The small skeleton stirred, opening his eyes slightly before talking quietly. "Où suis-je?" He must be French, that's explain the way his voice sounded when he screamed for help. I didn't know what he said but I answered.
"Hello, you are in my house, I found you... Hurt in my forest also known as the Forbidden Forest." The skeleton looked at me, fear instantly is his eyes and voice.
"V-votre un vampire!"  Ah he must have figured it out.
"Yes, I'm a vampire. My name is Fallacy. King of Vampires." I introduced my self, trying make it seem that I wouldn't hurt him. "What's your name?"
"J-je m'appelle Encré...." I nodded, smiling slightly, at least he's cooperating.
"Well Encré, why were you in the forest?" He looked confused as I sighed I walked off to find Mr Suave, he could speak and understand quite a bit of French. "Mr Suave? I need your help, it seems the guest is French."
"OK Lord Fallacy, I'll be in your room in a minute." He spoke calmly. I nodded and walked back looking at the confused small skeleton in my bed, Encré means Ink in French if I remember something... He must be an artist judging by what was in his satchel and his pocket... Just at that moment Suave and Jasper walked in.
"Is he finally awake Father?" Asked Jasper, I nodded in response.
"Bonjour, je m'appelle Suave, quel est votre nom?" Suave spoke, I assume he was trying to be friendly and formal to Encré.
"Bonjour.... Je m'appelle Encré.... Puis-je demander pourquoi il ya des vampires ici?" Spoke Encré (hello, my name is Ink (Encré)... May I ask why there are vampires here?).
"Ils vivent ici et Je travaille pour eux." Spoke Suave... I think he's fluent in French. (They live here and I work for them.)
"D'accord." (OK) nodded Encré.
"Can you ask him why he was in my forest?" I asked looking towards Suave while jasper walked next to me, standing next to me, this is the less fidgety I've seen him.
"Pourquoi étiez-vous dans la forêt?" Asked Suave. (Why were you in the forest?)
"Je voulais mourir...." Muttered Encré as Suave had an understanding but a sad look.
"He said he wanted to die..." Spoke Suave glancing at me, then Encré spoke again.
"J'ai été intimidé dans le village le plus proche de la forêt..." (I was bullied in the closest village to the forest)
"Quelle!?" Suave had a surprised look. (What?!) The two talked back and forth... I need to get Suave to tell me everything he said later.

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