Chapter Twenty-Six- A forgotten Secret

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Fallacy's P.O.V

Encre dragged me to our room, forcing me to sit on the bed. "Can you tell me about Jasper's mother?" He asked sitting down next to me.
"I thought we were going to rest?" I said, laying down but instantly sat up, hissing in pain, remembering the burn.
Encre sighed, making me lay on my side. "I know but I'm curious..."
"I'll tell you later, promise." I promised him, placing my hand on his cheek, smiling softly.
"But I want to know now!" Encre whined.
"Encre I promi-" He interrupted me before I could finish.
"I wanna know!" He whined even louder.
"Fine..." I gave in, I can't say no to him...
"Yay!" He cheered childishly.
I chuckled. "Well.... I'll tell you the whole story, might as well..."
"So?" Encre had a look of pure curiosity shimmering in his mismatched eyes.

"Well, almost 15 years ago a great maid, Calamimi was her name-" Encre interrupted me.
"Was? What does that mean?" He asked curiously.
"I'm getting to that." I sighed in slight annoyance.
"Okay." Encre looked focused now.
"Well Calamimi was a squid lady and she was the best maid, before she died that is. But anyway, I was in heat at the time and she was the closest maid around. I didn't expect her to get pregnant...But she did so I took her to a cabin kind of thing roughly two miles away from here... I took care of her still, brought her everything she needed then a couple month later, she had Jasper. She took care of him and I helped, but she continued working on the condition she could keep meeting Jasper, so I let her, but it wasn't too often. Then just before she died, Jasper turned two, and I let her see him one last time. I honestly miss her, she was the best maid I've had, before Suave that is." I chuckled sadly, I think tears swelled up in my eyes.
"That's sad..." Encre sighed, wiping my cheeks, tears did well up.
"Now you know..." I sighed.
"Okay..." Encre looked at me still.
"I can show you a picture of Calamimi and Jasper when he was younger if you'd like." I said sitting up.
"Please." He smiled.
I opened a nightstand drawer, taking out a photo. Tears welled up again. I quickly passed Encre the photo.
"She was so beautiful! And Jasper was so cute! You must show me more pictures!" Encre exclaimed.
"Yeah... Okay... I'll get them." Encre stopped me, wiping my tears away.
"Don't cry Fallacy." He smiled softly.
"Okay." I smiled purring softly at his touch.
He kissed my cheek. "Please show me the cute baby pictures please!"
"Okay." I smiled softly, walking to my closet, opening it and taking out a few photo albums. "There are some photos of Suave, he's always been around, since a few years before Jasper was born." I added.
"Okay." He sounded happy.
I passed him the photo albums, laying back down.
He looked intently at the photos, awing occasionally. I just smiled at this, watching Encre.

He looked through them smiling. Until he came across a certain photo. It was a photo of myself when I was about 16, making some necklaces.
"You used to make necklaces?" He looked up at me, looking even more curious.
"Yeah... I still have some, but my Father destroyed them, I still made them though." I sighed.
Encre sat up, looking even more curious. "Please show me!"
I groaned. "Do I have too?"
"Yes." Encre smiled.
I groaned again. "Let's sleep first."
"Fine." He sighed, laying down and snuggling up against me. Both of us fell asleep in a few moments.

(Sorry for such a short chapter, I just needed to write something and update. I've haven't been in the mood for writing recently.)

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