Chapter seventeen- Bad luck

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No one's P.O.V
Fallacy awoke a little while before dusk was upon everyone. He gently shook Encré awake.
"My love, time to wake up." He shook Encré gently as he woke yawning.
"Morning Fallacy..." Muttered Encré as he yawned.
"Its not morning but none the less, morning." Smiled Fallacy as Encré sat up.
"What are the plans for tonight?" Asked Encré as he got up, stretching.
"A romantic walk in the forest at dusk." Smiled Fallacy also getting out of bed.
"Sounds like a plan." Smiled Encré kissing Fallacy's cheek.
"Yes, it's a plan at least." Chuckled Fallacy.
"Should I change into something more outdoorsy?" Asked Encré, nuzzling Fallacy's cheek.
"It's best if you do. I'll get Suave to get you the clothes." Stated Fallacy as he gracefully left the room.
Encré sat on the bed patiently.
Almost ten minutes passed before Suave entered the room, clothes carefully folded in his arms. "Fallacy told me to bring you these." Stated Suave placing the clothes next to Encré.
"Merci Monsieur Suave." Encré thanked him.
"No problem, also you've got to be ready in twenty minutes so you have enough time for breakfast before the walk Fallacy has planned." Spoke Suave as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Encré nodded as quickly got changed, rushing down to the dining hall. Fallacy was already there, seated and waiting. "Mon Cher, bonjour." (My dear, hello) Smiled Encré as he sat across from Fallacy.
"Hello my love." Fallacy smiled in return as food on silver platters with delicate silver covers were brought to them and uncovered.
There was a wide selection of food but for some reason both Fallacy and Encré chose simple things.
They exchanged a few words before eating and quickly finished their breakfasts.
"Encré, meet me by the door in ten minutes, I've quickly got to do something." Encré nodded as Fallacy left the dining hall.
Encré slowly walked to the door, listening to his footsteps echoing in the vast hall. He kept walking slowly until he arrived at the door, Fallacy was already there waiting.
"Ready?" He asked, he sounded somewhat nervous.
"Oui." Nodded Encré as Fallacy unlocked and opened the door.
"Ladies first." He chuckled as Encré walk out rolling his eyes. Fallacy followed soon after and then the two began walking.
"So Fallacy, why did you plan this walk?" Asked Encré wrapping his arms onto one of Fallacy's arms.
"Well you'll see my love." He smiled kindly as the two walked further into the forest and away from the large mansion.

Meanwhile elsewhere...

A group of monsters with large bags were walking to the forest. They took their time so they'd be there a little while after dusk and could easily search the forest.
Once they arrived a red haired fish lady shouted. "Right! get into groups of threes and split! We need to find Encré before dawn!" She ordered. "Lofy and Azure will be coming with me, the rest you decide." She quickly added as a yellow lizard and a short skeleton with blue tinted armour ran up to her.
"I h-hope Encré is o-ok..." Stuttered Lofy as the fish lady pet her.
"He's fine, trust me Lofy." She smiled kindly.
"I hope he is Eterna...." Lofy sighed before the skeleton spoke up.
"I'd hate to interrupt but shouldn't we get going?"
"Right. WE LEAVE NOW!" Shouted the fish lady, Eterna.
The group, now split into four groups of three, ran their own ways. They made sure every possible hiding place was searched.
Lofy, Eterna and the skeleton, Azure, walked along the cliff edge which still had trees growing off the edge. They carefully walked around, making sure neither of them would loose their footing and fall to their death.
The skeleton, lizard and fish lady suddenly stopped. They heard speaking, two voices, one with a thick French accent the other somewhat posh sounding.
"Encré?" Lofy Whispered softly as she walked forward looking past the trees and she was indeed correct.
Encré and Fallacy were sitting on the cliff edge, legs dangling over the edge, talking.
"Fallacy..." Eterna muttered growling slightly. She took out a thin wooden stake that was about a foot long (30cm) and began to sneak forward.
"Who?" Azure asked, lowering his voice slightly but then suddenly stepped on a twig which snapped making Fallacy whip his head around in their direction.
"Who goes there?!" He hissed as he and Encré got up, looking around.
"Fallacy, old friend, we meet again." Eterna spat angrily at the vampire next to Encré.
"Eterna?! Lofy?! Azure?! What are you doing here?" Asked Encré, fear evident in his eyes as he saw the stake in Eterna's hand.
"Get away from him! He's a vampire!" Yelled Eterna as she went to attack Fallacy.
"I know! I don't care!" Shouted Encré as he tried to stop Eterna, but his attempt was futile since Azure pulled him away. "Let me go!"
"This is for your own safety Encré!" Stated Azure as Encré got free, just at that moment Fallacy was kicked to the floor by Eterna.
Fallacy closed his eyes in pure fear, awaiting his death... but he never felt the stake. He dared open his eyes slightly and what he saw, made his eyes widen and also made tears come to his eye sockets.

(BOOM! Another chapter and a cliffhanger! You can all get angry at author-kun now XD
Anyway, whaddya think might happen? Comment down below cos I wanna know what everyone thinks!)

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