Chapter Twenty-Five - Pain

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(This chapter has been correct as it seemed there were no spaces in between some words, my bad, but they have been fixed now.)

Jasper's P.O.V 

I stood there, something poking the back of my skull, frozen in fear. I hugged Suave tightly, gulping, scared to see what or who was behind me. I didn't need to turn around, until the owner of what was poking me spoke.
"Come to save your stupid father I see, JASPER?" She spoke my name with disgust. Eterna...
"E-Eterna..." I began shaking.
She jabbed me in the skull. "Well?"
Tears welled up. "Y-yes..." I shook more.
"Huh? I only wanted Encre but now I have both Fallacy, his son, and a butler!" She laughed pulling me back, making me drop Suave.
Father stood up, Encre was awake now. I watched from the corner of my eye as Father whispered into Encre's non-existent ear, Encre nodding as he grabbed Suave and ran.
"ENCRE! YOU BACKSTABBER GET BACK!" Shouted Eterna, she grabbed me by my throat, tightly.

I gasped for air looking over at Father, he was ready to attack Eterna. So,he did.
Eterna tightened her grip, moving me in front of Father's attack.
I felt a searing pain. I screamed in pain.
Father had a look of regret on his face.
"ETERNA!" He shouted, not attacking again, probably in fear of hurting mefurther.
I felt warm blood drip down my back as I looked at Father, Eterna dropping me.I screamed again, feeling sticks and stones stab me in my already wounded back.
I watched Eterna fight Father for a few minutes before I glanced away, attempting to sit up.
I hissed in pain, falling back down again.
Father quickly picked me up, flying away.
My vision turned blurry.
Father flew for almost... Ten, maybe fifteen minutes? I don't know I lost count.
Father flew and abruptly landed, I heard a few muffled panicked voices, but everything slowly faded into black.

Suave's P.O.V

I woke to Encre running, carrying me. Where's Jasper?!
We arrived at the mansion within minutes as Encre placed me down, panting.
"Where are Fallacy and Jasper?!" I asked, panic in my voice.
"They're still at the clearing... Oh moi dieu..." Encre had a look of panic plaster his features, as he looked over towards where the sun is. Oh no... It's about to rise!
I was about to run towards where we came from, but Encre placed his hand on my shoulder, making me hiss in pain.
"Sorry Suave, but we've got to check your shoulder out." Spoke Encre, softly.
I sighed. "Fine."
Encre led us inside, making me sit down and he began examining my shoulder. "What happened?!" He shouted, cleaning the wound.
I stared at the wound, feeling sick. "A v-vampire bit me... Jasper wrapped it up in a handkerchief to stop the bleeding..."
He wrapped a bandage around my shoulder after cleaning it, I hissed in pains lightly but did nothing.
He finished and as we stood up, we both heard a loud hiss before Fallacy burst inside, holding Jasper tightly.
"Lord Fallacy?!" I shouted, running to Fallacy and Jasper.
"Tend to Jasper." He stated simply passing Jasper to me carefully as I nodded then ran to my former room, where I kept all my spare medical supplies and quickly tended to Jasper.
Encre rushed in, pulling Fallacy in. "Fallacy has a burn on the back of his and skull."
I nodded, motioning to the first aid kit that had everything to deal with burns, luckily, I organized all of them into a certain category.
Encre tended to Fallacy's burn, while I tended to the cuts on Jaspers back,Jasper whimpering in pain. "How did this happen to Jasper?" I glanced over at Fallacy,as an instant look of regret plastered his face.
"I tried attacking Eterna, she put Jasper in front of her so I attacked him instead..." He sighed, looking regretful.
"Okay..." I looked at Jasper's neck, it was a dark purple color. "Is that a bruise on Jasper's neck?!" I exclaimed, gently moving Jasper's head aside.
"Possibly, from the tight grip Eterna had on his neck..." Fallacy muttered.
I looked at him angrily. "WHAT?!" I shouted, Jasper had fallen unconscious completely by this point.
He looked away, sighing.
I muttered angrily as I finished tending to Jasper's wounds, picking him up carefully.
"Suave, clam down, Eterna will get what's coming to her." Encre spoke softly, pulling Fallacy to his feet. "We're going to rest, you and Jasper should rest too."
I walked to mine and Jasper's room softly laying Jasper on his side, lying down next to him.
"Good night Jasper." I whispered as he snuggled closer to me, I wrapped my arms around him gently, pulling a blanket over him and myself.
He muttered something in reply, snuggling as close as he could to me. I fell asleep.
Hopefully Jasper will heal...And soon...


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