Chapter Twenty-Two- Rescue for two needed

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Fallacy's P.O.V
I was on their trail, zooming in and out of trees until....
I suddenly fell to the ground, entangled in a net. I began struggling, trying to get free, but my attempts were futile as I could bare move because of the sudden impact I had with the ground, mainly because of the shock. I ceased my struggling when I saw two pairs of feet in front of me so I looked up. Encré's face was covered in crystal clear tears, Eterna at his side, gripping into his arm to the point it was hurting him. "F-fallacy! I'm sorry!" Encré cried, trying to get free of Eterna's death grip.
"LET GO OF ENCRÉ! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I suddenly shouted and Eterna smirked. I don't trust that smirk...
I struggled more then I heard Eterna shout.
"Get the vampire! Take him back and throw him in a cage! ALSO THROW ENCRÉ IN WITH HIM!" She threw Encré at the ground.
Encré wrapped his hand gently around my wrist and I ceased struggling, looking into his eyes which were glazed with worry. "Encré, I'm ok. Are you?"
"N-non... Je au mal bras..." (No... My arm hurts...) He sighed slightly.
Just as I opened my mouth, I was lifted, the net being thrown off me. But before I could flee, my wrists were gripped tightly and tied behind my back just as tightly. I opened my mouth to say something but someone tied cloth around my mouth making me unable to say anything. I hissed and jerked my head away in protest but I got a kick in my side for it so I stopped. I looked at Encré, my poor Encré, he seemed to get his hands tied behind his back too, but no make-shift gag for him.
We both were pulled to our feet, him more gently than I was, then were forced to walk. I tried to protest but Eterna grabbed me by my neck, cutting of my breathing for a little while. "Try that again and I'll harm Encré." She threatened me, I attempted hissing at her but failed with the cloth in my mouth.
She let me go and walked in front of the group. I quickly looked around, observing mine and Encré's kidnappers. I recognised the regretful face of Azure almost instantly but the others, I didn't recognise.
"Eterna... Why are we kidnapping them?" He asked timidly, I could tell he didn't want this.
"Because, Azure you idiot, Fallacy is the king of Vampires and if he's captured we can get other vampires to listen and Encré? He's to make sure we get Fallacy to do what we want." She answered, half insulting Azure's stupidity.
I tried getting the gag off and it worked, it wasn't tied on too tightly. "ETERNA! DONT YOU DARE INSULT SOMEONE LIKE HIM! HELL LET ENCRÉ GO! LET ME GO! VAMPIRES HAVEN'T BOTHERED THAT STUPID VILLAGE OF YOURS!" I shouted, my fangs growing to their full length of an inch (2.5cm), and eyes red from rage. The person behind me quickly untied my wrists, I turned around, nodding my thanks before attempting to attack Eterna.
But that failed as she grabbed Encré, putting a thin knife to his neck bone, making me stop instantly.
"Come closer and this stupid french artist gets it." She threatened, Encré had a look of pure fear in his eyes.
I hissed but didn't move.
She began walking. Keeping Encré close to her. "Follow us, or Encré dies." She said flatly.
"Blackmail..." I muttered but obeyed, not like I had much choice anyway.
We walked for hours. I started panicking. Suave nor Jasper knew where Encré or I were!
I stopped walking, my eyes widening in worry.
Everyone else also stopped. "Fallacy what's wrong?" Encré asked kindly, worry becoming evident in his eyes.
"I forgot to tell Jasper I'd be busy...oh god...." I began shaking.
"Fallacy I'm s-" Eterna interrupted him.
"Who's Jasper?!" She shouted, glaring at me.
"My son..." I answered, looking back towards the mansion Encré and I called home.
"You have a son?!" She laughed.
"Yes...." I sighed covering my face.
"I thought you loved Encré!" She laughed before Encré snapped at her.
"I love Fallacy and he loves me! He isn't forbid from having children before he met me! Besides I'd love to take care of Jasper as my own!" He snapped angrily.
"Calm down." Eterna rolled her eyes before a something was wrapped around my eyes.
"Hey!" I shouted as my arms were pulled behind my back and tied together, tightly.
Great. I don't know where I am going now.

(Here have another chapter! I'm still stressed but eh, anything for my readers! Also I think you all should check out my other stories, you may enjoy them. Have a good day/night/evening/morning!)

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora