Chapter 38- Passing days...

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It was days before Encre woke.

A groan leaving his mouth as his hand slowly reached to grip his skull, but froze when he felt the familiar soft cotton of bandages.
"Wh...where...?" he whispered tiredly before his eyes shot around. He had no clue where he was. The last thing he remembered clearly is hitting his skull against the metal cage.

"Oh, you're awake!" The all familiar cheery voice spoke which made Encre jump up, only to be forced to sit back down. "Relax, it's me, Azure."
He looked up at him before relaxing slowly. "Thank you...?"
"No problem!" He smiled brightly.

Then a soft and weak groan could be heard.
Encre turned to face the source of the voice, almost relaxing at seeing his illegitimate son. "You're safe..." He teared up and instantly made his way to the smaller and hugging him gently, remembering the pain he had to endure with a frown.
The weakened prince looked up at the artist before groaning and curling up. "I want... home..." he spoke weakly. He missed the safety of the castle. He even missed how strict Fallacy could be at times. He missed his lover. His bed. He missed everything.
"We'll be home soon..."

Azure cleared his throat. "I don't think it'll be easy... You two are really wanted... they even patrol at night."
"We'll find a way.... Once Jasper is strong enough!" Encre raised his voice desperately.
"I get that you want to go but it really isn't safe. They're not even letting merchants leave the village." A deeper and raspy voice spoke.
Rufus, the blacksmith...

"W-wait...H-how long have I...?"
"You've been out near enough a week."

The artist covered his mouth, eyes widening as tears began flowing down his cheeks slowly. The only thoughts now that clouded his mind was the worry Fallacy may most likely feel due to not seeing his lover and son in almost a week.
"We've spotted Fallacy at the edge of the forest... He knows the village is being monitored..." Azure piped up, in an almost saddened tone.
"We've also been thinking of how to get you two into the forest when you're both healed up..." Rufus hummed, seemingly uninterested in the situation.
"Nothing's seems plausible though..." Jasper whimpered, shifting a little before hugging Encre. "I just... want to see father... and Suave...!"
They sat there for a while in almost silence, with Azure occasionally leaving for food, drinks or piping up to try relax the two guests.

Another day or two passed before they finally came up with something. Was it going to work? Probably not, but the prince and artist had grown desperate beyond belief. They didn't care to the extent of their injuries at this point, they just wanted to leave.

Now, the plan wasn't elaborate. It's simply just try run into the forest without stopping during the midnight shift change. They had a small gap of ten minutes to do so.
Encre and Jasper waited patiently in a bush. How guards hadn't spotted them was an absolute miracle. Encre practically held his breath, until shift change began.

Let's pray to Asgore that they'll make it home without being caught.

[I exist lmao.
I'm really hoping to update more so calm yourselves. Don't nag at me to update cause it won't help me do it faster. Unless you've got ideas, then please comment them. I'm a dumbass]

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