chapter 37

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Encre cradled the weakened vampire through the cage.
"Don't keep promises you can't keep...." The small prince whispered as he tried to ignore the rising pain from the burn that had began to become visible.
The townspeople who had crowded them just stared in shock. Encre had attempted to convince Jasper to drink his blood but he had refused and now, the sun burned the prince. Encre's sobs could be heard clearly through the town center as everyone fell silent but Eterna who gave a laugh.
It wasn't long before some attempted to take action, not being able to bear the suffering the people had caused the two. They had tried to throw a cloak of some sort over the cage to shield the vampire but Eterna ripped it off seconds later meaning the small cover that Jasper had gotten, soothed his pain the smallest bit before he cried out again.
The one person who acted had caused others to act. They tried to pull Eterna away as few people worked on trying to break open the cage or open it somehow.
There was shouting. People objecting to saving the vampire while not moving an inch and others trying their best to help save him and Encre.
Azure sneaked to the cage during the commotion, having found the keys for the cells and cages and attempted to unlock the cage with one of the many keys. He prayed a key would at least work, as he had grabbed a random set of keys, any of the almost thirty keys HAD to work!


The keys worked.

Azure pulled the door opened and wrapped Jasper in a blanket, instantly running to the BlackSmiths home, as it was nearby. Rofus would definitely help him despite the fact he was trying to save a young vampire.
Encre got up in an attempt to follow Azure but someone knocked him back into the cage which caused him to hot his skull on the cold metal. A small crack formed as he groaned, gripping the newly formed crack. Tears welled up slightly as faint spots danced in his vision, making t hard for him to focus.
"Make sure Encre is locked up!" Eterna roared, anger boiling her blood as she tried to fight back the townspeople who had distracted her from Jasper.
A guard pulled Encre up, whispering to him. "Blacksmiths. Go there." It was someone Azure was on great terms with so Encre listened and made his way to the place slowly, trying to forget about the stinging pain from him skull and the blurred vision as he tried to keep his worry to a minimum.

'Please be okay... My son...' He thought before dark spots began became more and more before his vision became black and his body floor.

(Apologies for how long it's taken me to update this. I've just lost motivation for a while. It's due to personal issues and this just lessened my motivation as I had no idea what to write next but I'm glad I wrote something, even if it's not as good as I would've liked.
I hope you all are having a great day or what not.
And just so ya'll know, you can comment suggestions for future chapter or you can DM me about them or just DM me if you need to talk. I know how frustrating life can get but I want to be here for the people who have stuck around reading my crappy excuse for French. Thank you all)

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