Chapter Two- Travel Through The Forest

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Encré's P.O.V
I walked around, not knowing where to go, walking straight ahead. I was lost. I kept walking, getting lost even further.
Tears pricked my eyes, I kept walking, I was beyond lost.
I collapsed crying, I screamed: "SOMEONE HELP ME!" I cried, lost, helpless, alone. "S-sil vous plait.... Aidez moi.... S-someone.... A-anyone..." My thick French accented voice was below a whisper, I was in tears, lost, I curled up into a ball, crying my eye-sockets out, I suddenly got a feeling of being watched...
I just had to stop crying. I forced my self into calming down then got up taking a deep breath, I began walking, tripping a few times, but I kept on walking, now there was no more turning back, there never would be.... I'd die here, alone.
I kept walking and walking and walking, I was beyond lost.
I fell, and got back up. I might as well go as far as possible where no one would find me.
I kept walking, and I fell again, getting back up, I continued walking, it was midday... I think.... Probably dusk now...I was hungry and exhausted.... My stomach growled, I can't walk anymore....
I fainted, from both hunger and exhaustion, but before the darkness consumed me, I didn't feel a hard, cold floor, but a warm, soft embrace... Did someone catch me? The dark consumed me fully, before I asked do anything.
(Sorry for le short chapter readers, next one will be longer!)

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