Chapter 39.

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With fallacy...
The king sat a decent way from the forest entrance, his deep eyes just burning into the guards that stood watch nearby.
He was gonna help his son and lover the best he could. After all, he missed them dearly. From stupid small habits they had, such as Encre managing to be covered in paint simply by just being near it or the teasing Encre recieved from the king.
Suave wasn't any different. However, he had stayed at the castle to keep things running smoothly. And to distract him from one thing missing completely from his life- and that was the prince just latching onto his arm without much word as he worked. As annoying as it was, he simply missed the presence of said prince.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
Fallacy spotted something in a bush, slowly making his way to the edge of the forest. Two pairs of almost determined eyes. He could only assume who they where.
A nearby church rung out for midnight. The guards slowly left, one by one for a changeover. That's when Fallacy took the opportunity to step out into view.
He only stood for a few minutes before he was knocked to the floor, and a flurry of the all familiar French accent followed.
"Oh Mon deui- I'm so sorry Fallacy!" He felt some of the weight lift. "We just ran- and weren't looking-"
Fallacy looked down, to see his son just clinging to him in pure fear. He rose to his feet slowly, holding him protectively. "Everything okay?" He spoke softly, worry in his eyes.

This was almost far too easy and he hated to admit it.

"He got injured but I hope he recovers-" Encre spoke in a soft tone, half hugging Fallacy.
"I knew it!" The all familiar voice than had made their lives hell rung out. "Someone hid you two!"
"Mon deui..." Encre breathed out, looking at Fallacy with a gaze of worry. He knew Jasper would made it hard for them to flee, but Encre would make it much harder. They were both so weak and just the sprint to the forest took a lot out of them.
Fallacy scooped the two into his arms, instantly beginning to run into the forest. Jasper had clung to his father weakly, too weak to do much else while Encre wrapped his arms tightly around them both.

They didnt even have to take a glance behind them to know Eterna, that demon of a hunter, was following. She was probably prepared for this very scenario, knowing her antics.

Despite this, Fallacy focused on his attempt on fleeing. He took every short cut, safe or unsafe, and ran faster than he had before just to try protect his son and lover.
But not unsurprisingly, Eterna kept up, only stumbling when they crossed an unsafe path that was littered with chunks of fallen branches that almost blocked the entire path and just barely managed to slow her down. However, that was all Fallacy needed.
Those few extra seconds to flee. Those few extra seconds he had to get ahead and hide.

The next path they ended up crossing had a cave hidden somewhere along it so he took the opportunity to duck into it and hide with the terrified lover clinging to him and his son tightly.
Encre had no value to eterna so why was she so set on making the artist stay and his new family suffer?

The cave was silent and they had sat there for an uncertain amount of time, but Encre and Jasper were far too scared to even think about speaking to fallacy to see what their plan was.
They didnt know how long they had been there or how long this game of cat and mouse would take, but they didn't want to even think about risking it.
Fallacy took the first brave step to peek out the cave to see if he could spot Eterna but something felt fishy, no pun intended, before he moved back to the two fragile beings he had with him.
Now to make a plan to get to the castle, safely and with no casualties.

I have returned after god knows how long Haha. But yeah finally an update eh?
It's not too long but at least its something after God knows how long.
I'm sorry it took so long, I genuinely have no excuse other than I didn't want to update becuase this story reminded me of someone but I have to get over that.
I dont know when the next update will be, I'm hoping its soon, so be patient.
Thank you all for reading and reminding me this exists.

Forbidden Love~ Fallacy X EnrcéWhere stories live. Discover now