Chapter 34- Sleeping Chapter

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Jasper's P.O.V

Encre and I ate. What's going to happen to us?! I'm scared... I want to go home...
I hope Father saves us soon, or Suave... Or anyone! I want to get out of this ice-cold dungeon as soon as possible!
I finished eating, Encre finished not too long after, smiling at me. He shivered before coughing.
"Encre? Are you okay?!" I asked, worry lacing my voice.
"Yeah... Just... Cold." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.
I understand why he'd be cold, he's wearing a thin shirt, some thin trousers, and his boots. I moved closer to him, wrapping the non-injured wing around him as he leaned onto me. "You should sleep now Encre, if anything happens, I'll wake you, or try too." I smiled softly.
He nodded, falling asleep quite quickly. Soon soft snores filled the cell, echoing.
I wrapped my wing around him even tighter, trying to make sure he's even warmer.
He clung to my arm, I think it made him feel safer or something.

We sat like that for a few hours, well, until Eterna decided to storm in and slam the cell door open causing Encre to wake. I stared at her, whimpering softly.
Encre just stared blankly at her, well he did just wake up so that's expected.
"What are you staring at?!" She shouted.
Both of us jumped, staring silently.
Encre's grip tightened on my arm.
I whined lowly, looking at Encre, he seemed ready to make sure Eterna didn't take me.
Eterna grabbed my other arm, pulling me gently. "Let go Encre or I'll make you watch this prince suffer in the most painful way possible for being a vampire."
He slowly loosened his grip. "What's the point? You're going to do it anyway!" He exclaimed, looking at me sadly.
"W-what's going on?" I whispered, looking at Encre and back at Eterna in confusion.
"She's going to do something bad to you..." Encre muttered, glaring at Eterna.
"W-what...?" I whispered.
"None of your business!" Eterna shouted, pulling me away from Encre.
"Eterna let him go! He's just a kid!" Encre shouted he sounded desperate...
"A kid that's hundreds of years old!" She shouted back, pulling my arm harder.
I yelped tearing up.
"Eterna PLEASE!" Encre yelled urgently.
"Fine." Eterna jeered, before adding. "Tomorrow. No choice." She then left.
I stared at Encre in uncertainty before snuggling up to him to keep himself and I warm.
"You want to know what she was going to do?" He asked, sadness clouding his eyes.
I nodded. "Yes."
"She was going to do some form of... Torture...Would be the best way to word it." He sighed, hugging me protectively.
I whimpered, hiding my face.
Both of us slowly fell asleep.

I awoke to the loud SQUEEEEEAAAAAAK! Of the cell door. Someone failed to open it slowly and silently.
I glanced towards the person who opened the cell door, a small smile slowly found itself onto my face.
Stood by the cell door, was Azure, holding a bag of what smelled like freshly cooked food.
"Hello, Azure." I smiled.
"H-hey Jasper!" He smiled back, walking to Encre and I.
Encre grumbled quietly, hiding his face from view.
Both Azure and I giggled at this.
"Oh, I bought some warm food because it's super cold in here. I'll try to bring some blankets next time if I can..." Azure trailed off, frowning slightly before his smile returned.
"Thank you, Azure!" I exclaimed.
"You're welcome!" Azure sat down, opening the bag before moving it over to me.
I glanced at it before taking some food out, eating it slowly.
Azure sparked up a random conversation between us, not long after we started talking about slightly more... 'Personal' matters.

Almost an hour passed, we kept talking. Encre had woken up not too long ago, he had eaten some food in silence listening to our conversation until he joined in. We all laughed from time to time or shared stories from when we were younger. It was fascinating to find out more about Encre, did Father know these things yet?
Azure stopped talking suddenly, frowning.
"Azure, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at him silently.
"I have to go now... Eterna will be coming here soon..." He muttered.
"What time is it...?" Encre asked, his voice trailed off towards the end of the question.
"Almost four AM." Azure muttered.
Encre's face changed to worry. "Okay..."
Azure got up walking to the cell door. "See you later then." He spoke sadly, walking out and locking the door before leaving.
Encre hugged me, pulling me closer to him as if to protect me.
"Encre?" I asked.
"Oui?" He said, looking at me. He hasn't spoken French in ages.... Why now?
"Are you okay? You seem to be more protective." I muttered.
He paused before answering, thinking what to say. "I'm just a little worried because of Eterna..." He sighed.
Just as he said that the cell door slammed open and guess who stood there? Eterna.
I hissed at her, eyes slowly turning red.
"Oh shut it." She spat at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up before Encre had time to stop her and react.
I whined loudly, struggling to get free.
"Encre, I hope you'll enjoy watching him suffer." She laughed, dragging me away, her grip tightening a lot more on my arm.
What does she mean...?

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