Red {Remus Lupin}

532 31 3

Red by @KMic0606

Alright, let's do this thing!

Okay, your chapter length is on the shorter side, but I feel like it's suitable. You're able to get your point across in smaller word amounts, so let's move right along.

I know in every Remus story the main character (in this case Lyra) has to find out about Remus's, ehem, condition, but I feel like how you did it was a little too rushed. It's like, she sees his scars and just knows he's a werewolf. That was it. Honestly, I think there should be more depth to that. She can't just know.

Or she can; it's totally up to you! :)

And can I just talk about her name. I love the name Lyra, and it totally fits in with her family because they're all named after constellations! I LOVE HER NAME.

Ok, and let's move on...

You referenced to James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter as the Marauders. I understand why; they are the Marauders. But, I'm pretty sure they hadn't come up with that catchy trouble-making name in their third year.

Or they did; again, it's totally up to you!

That's what I love about Marauder Era fics! YOU CAN LITERALLY DO ANYTHING!!

And I love the anything you've done! Keep up the great work!


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