Wolf-Blood {Harry Potter}

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Wolf-Blood by @CrimsonShadow2

(Okay, before I start on your review, I'd like to apologize for two things. Thing one: I'm sorry this took so long. I know I promised I'd have this review done waaaay sooner, but it's here now, so.. please forgive me?? Thing two: I'm sorry I read the wrong book. I only realized after I read it and wrote this that you actually wanted the sequel reviewed, and I glanced at it. You're writing has improved a lot, I'd just like you to know that :) again... sorry!)

You've got a good story. I think you've got a brilliant plot, but I also think there are better ways to go about writing it. The concept of your story has been done before, so I think you should add in something strange and new and different to make yours stand out among the others.

Okay, I love Scarlet's name because it reminds me of Remus's in the sense that it literally means "Werewolf McWerewolf". Like, her name is just so... idk, but it's intriguing to me; I guess it's probably because I love Remus so much.

It's just, then... she's a werewolf... and we all know how these werewolf stories go:

1. Werewolf goes to Hogwarts
2. Werewolf secret is revealed.
3. All good.

Where's the conflict in that? Nobody but Draco Malfoy cares that's she's a werewolf?? And he's not even concerned with the killer wolf part either; he's concerned with saying "filthy half breed!"???


Remember Werewolf McWerewolf? He hid his condition because it wAS A PROBLEM. PEOPLE ARE SCARED OF WEREWOLVES. CHILDREN ARE SCARED OF WEREWOLVES!!

Honestly, chapter one was really... I don't even know... it didn't really have my attention. Dumbledore casually going, "Yo, Dumby in the house! This student is a wolf/animagus but it's okay! Have a lemon drop," was definitely not the way to go about doing that.

You've got a really good idea, but I feel that it could've been better executed. Her condition should be concealed. It shouldn't have been announced. Some people can't even accept homosexuals, so how do you expect them to accept a werewolf?

And I know your writing has improved. I read a few chapters of the sequel (The sequel is really good btw :)), and your writing is definitely better. But, if you ever decided to edit your first book, I'd be totally happy to help you out!

Your writing has gotten so much better in the second book, and I'm actually impressed with how much better it's gotten. Thanks for waiting so long for this review, and sorry I reviewed the wrong book, but I think you're a very good writer who has improved a lot. I liked seeing your improvement throughout your books. :) Improvement is awesome.


(Also, if you'd like me to do a review of the sequel for you, I'd be glad to do that cause I know it's what you wanted in the first place.)

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