Beastly Love

146 10 1

Beastly Love written by MeganHobson1.

I'll start with your cover and title. Your cover is amazing! I also really like your title. The grammar is pretty good. I noticed once you used "u" instead of "you" but it was probably an accident. It's in the first chapter if you wanted to change it. The sentence flow is nice and the commas are being used correctly.

For a little bit of constructive criticism, I would try to help clarify what Hogwarts is exactly. Since we're probably all Potterheads everything makes perfect sense, but for somebody who's just getting into it they may be a little confused.

Going on to your plot and character development; I love that you made them both werewolves! Normally with Remus love stories he struggles alone with the weight of who he is inside but you gave him a companion that would understand him. Also it's interesting that they both have so much in common but don't know it. I'm really looking forward to continuing this on my personal account and I hope this helped!


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