Chapter 4~ caught!

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Harry's pov

It was first period I was writing down notes for the big test that was coming up.

I was in the middle of writing something when I felt something hit my head. I looked up to see who threw it and my eyes were met with Niall's, he winked at me then started passing notes to Justin.

Me personally I don't have any problem with Justin he seems cool, I'm sure we will be together- I mean best mates......ok I'm not gonna lie he is really cute, but I love Niall.

I realized that while I was thinking I was staring at Justin and him and Niall were staring at me!

Shoot! i hurried and looked at my paper and seen a paper airplane on my desk with a heart on it.

Hay Hazza! can justin hang out with us today?

Love you!

-Nialler xoxo

I looked up at them, I nodded and smiled.

Niall blew a kiss at me all lovey like, I couldn't help but chuckle

"Um mister styles is their something funny about a world war?"

Mr.Cowell said

"No sir"

"Is that a note you got there Harry?"

I didn't know what to say!

"Actually no sir I'm taking notes for the test."

"Oh very well then."

I gave Niall a fake evil eye and he returned it with a funny face,I looked at Justin who looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

I think he felt bad that I got caught. His face was so adorable- I mean hot- uh you know maybe i should shut up.........


The bell rang finally!!! My hand and wrist hurted from writing so much, I was getting my stuff when Niall came by and kissed my cheek

"Hay haz!"

Niall said cheerfully


I got all my books and returned the kiss but on his lips


we pulled apart, I totally forgot we were still in the classroom.....awkward

But Niall saved the day

"Oh Simon-" Niall said walking to his desk where he was.


"Ok mr. Cowell, have you ever been in love before"

Niall sat on mr Cowell's desk.

"Niall get of the bloody desk, shouldn't you be getting to class"

"I have Math I'm not in any rush"

I looked over at Justin who was totally in awe.

"Harry ill give you 5 pounds if you get your boyfriend off my desk and out of my class"


"No Niall you heard the man, lets go"

I leaned in to mr. Cowell

"I'll get my pounds after school"

I grabbed Niall's hand and dragged him out of the classroom with Justin looking at us like we were glowing or something.

Niall and I were in the hall waiting for Justin to get out of the office.

Niall started nibbling on my neck

"Niall" I tried to say but it came out sounding like a moan

He hummed and I felt it vibrate on my skin

"I added another to the collection"

Niall said pointy to my neck.

Niall has created a collection of love bites on my neck, I actually like them. I leaned close to his ear

"Maybe you can add more later"

I resumed my first position like nothing happened

"Maybe I want to add more now"

He said while kissing my cheek

Just then Justin came out with three pieces of paper In my hand, I'm guessing it was our passes so we wouldn't get in trouble for not going to class

"Here ya go" Justin handed me and Niall a paper each

"We have PE next, I think we are playing football (soccer)!"

"Do you ever play hockey?"

"You play hockey?"

Niall asked

"Yeah" Justin said smiling, his gorgeous smile....


I went into the locker room bathroom, and changed into my PE outfit,

I walked out to see something I never thought I would see, I did feel angry but I felt more jealous if anything.





Ooooo caught in the act! What do you think Harry will do?

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now