Part 51~ The gangs all here

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Zayn and Perrie were finishing up packing sharing a few sweet kisses here and there. Zayn felt happy for the first time in a very long time. Perrie was happy as well even though she was very scared. This was her first child with a man she thinks she knows, but does she really? Zayn always had this mysterious aspect to him and it intrigued Perrie when they were just messing around, but now that this was the father of her baby it worried her quite a bit.
"Zayn?" She asked biting her lip.
"Yes baby?" He asked as he folded some clothes putting him in his bag.
"When you come out what's going to happen with you and Justine? Are you just not gonna see Bella ever again? She's half yours ya know, I want out baby and Bella to know each other. I think we should go get joint custody honestly." She said as she sat on the bed. Zayn stopped in his tracks and looked at her.
"Bella isn't mine and what's this "we" you're talking about?" Zayn said through gritted teeth, it made him so angry to rethink about what happened. After all Bella isn't even his so why should he care?! He doesn't so it doesn't even matter!
"Oh I'm sorry...." she said
"Yea whatever lets go." He said grabbing as much as he could.
They got into the car me he drove to Justin's house to get the rest of his things. He would be staying with Perrie until he got a place.
"Wait can we go eat first?" She asked timidly hoping Zayn wasn't mad anymore.
"Yea sure" he placed his hand on her thigh as he drove.
She smiled and turned up the song that was playing. Right on que Zayn started humming and Perrie rubbed her stomach with budding life inside. She just wanted her baby to have a good life. She also hoped that Zayn and her would build a life her dad would be proud of. Perrie's dad was very judgmental and when he found out she wanted to be a nurse for rehabs instead of a doctor he was very disappointed. He was very conservative and hated the way she dyed her hair or did her makeup. She was sure that he wouldn't like her having a baby at the age she was without being married or even being in a seriously committed relationship with the father. She knew that her father would disapprove of Zayn considering he always wanted someone rich for her and a squeaky clean past and record. Zayn was pretty much the opposite. She didn't mind but her family would.
"We're here" Zayn said excitedly
He got out of the car and opened the door for her
"Chivalry isn't dead" she giggled
They entered the restaurant and stayed there for a good 3 hours talking and thinking of baby names and such. They had decided on Briani for a girl and Brayden for a boy.
It was about 8:30 when they drove to Justin's house. Zayn hadn't thought how he would explain things to Justin or Perrie, but he intended to bring her in regardless. When they arrived in the driveway there were quite a bit of cars. He figured that it was the lads since he recognized Liam's car. He hadn't seen or spoken to any of them since the incident. He parked the car and sat in the driveway for a bit.
Perrie turned to him and said "I don't have to come in"
"No I want you too, I want you to see my old family, I want someone there when I say goodbye for good." He said while he looked at the house.
"Okay" she said as she got out of the car.
Zayn soon followed and held her hand. He needed this support facing them all again. He didn't know what they were going to say or do. He was glad Perrie was with him. She was strong and he knew she would back him up if things went crazy.
He took a deep breathe and rung the doorbell. The door soon swung open with Harry holding Bella on his hip. Zayn was slapped in the face with the laughter of his lads and the sudden silence that fell on the room when they seen Zayn.
He still looked the same so he was kind of hurt how they were looking at him like they didn't know who he was. He wondered if he had magically turned into Casper the ghost or something! Even Bella didn't make any sounds. She just sort of looked around and suddenly to everyone's shock made grabby hands to Perrie. Harry was sort of reluctant but eventually let Perrie hold her. Harry moved out of the way so they could finally come in. The door closed and the awkwardness made the room feel so crowded. No one moved for a good 2 minutes until Zayn sucked it up and spoke.
"Well guys I'm sorry for everything I've done and put you all through, I never intended for any of this to happen. I know my actions are practically unforgivable and I understand that. Which is why I came here to get the rest of my things and to see you all for the last time. I thought it was best to just get out of your lives since I've done enough damage. I hope one day you all especially Justin could find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sorry once again." Zayn said chocking up here and there. Almost everyone in there had at least tears welling up in their eyes even if they didn't fall. Zayn walked to Justin's room where he knew his stuff would be. While Perrie stayed in the living room because she thought it was a bit rude to walk around someone house who she didn't even know. Plus, Bella took a real liking to her.
"Who are you?" Justin asked her which everyone also wanted to know.
"I'm a uh friend of Zayns, I was his nurse in rehab." She said fighting back asking him a question.
"I don't want Zayn to go away forever..." Luis said
Luis always felt about guilty all of this was happening considering he was the one who started Zayn on herion. He was the closest one to Zayn and he had missed his company. Zayn came out of the room with his things and was attacked with a hug from Luis. Zayn hugged him back as tears started to fall. He wish things didn't have robbed like this, but he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. They all got up and gave Zayn a hug. They wanted to tell him to stay, but that was Justin's decision overall and he hadn't budged. He sat on the couch with stray tears running down his face as he looked blankly into space. Zayn went over and kissed his forehead and then he looked in perries direction and seen Bella. Her big blue eyes were also welling up with tears. She wasn't sure why she was crying but since everyone else was, she knew it had to be something terrible happening. Zayn picked her up and hugged her knowing that their paths may never cross again. It hurt him to his core, but he had to do it. He kissed her chubby little cheek and sat her back down on the floor. All there were was wiping eyes and when Zayn left to exit Perrie was behind him. Before Perrie could leave Justin got up and hugged her. That was the first time he had moved all night.
"Take care of him" he whispered as he let her go and shut the door.
Justin crumpled to the floor and cried. He cried because he was sad, he cried because he was angry, he just cried. He knew Perrie and Zayn were together and he could tell she was pregnant. He just knew and it made him hurt. He didn't want Zayn to leave, but he couldn't form the words to make him stay.

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