Chapter 24~ who are you?!

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Harry's pov

I was on my way home from work and I stopped at the store to get Niall flowers. I walked in and looked around.
"Looking for anything specific sir?" A lady said, I turned around and she had redish hair and had a sorta air headish voice.
"Uhm yea, do you have any blue flowers?" I asked.
"Yea,there right over there." She pointed next to the wine section.
"Oh thanks." I said and started walking towards there after a while I noticed she was following me.
"Are they for anyone special?" she asked.
"Uh yea my fiancé." I said slightly annoyed.
"Oh congrats what's her name." She asked looking at her shoes.
"His name is Niall." I said and a little smile spread across my face.
"Your gay?!" She said shocked and looked at me.
"Yea." I said plainly.
"That's so cool!" she said excited
"I guess." I chuckled and looked at the flowers.
"Annabelle." she said and held out her hand for a handshake I suppose.
"Harry." I returned the gesture and shook her dainty hand.
She started to giggle.
"What?" I said confused.
"You have a lot of hair and your name is Harry!" Wow she's a intelligent one. (note my intense amount of sarcasm)
"Yea." I awkwardly laughed.
"You seem cool, here's my number we should hang out!" she said enthusiastically.
"Uh yea okay." I took the number from her stuffing it in my jacket pocket. I found some pretty flowers and I bought them for Niall. I left the store before the girl could start up a new conversation with me and I rushed home to see my Ni.

I finally reached the house and unlocked the door and went in. i was looking at the flowers. when I looked up a dropped the flowers!
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!NIALL!!!" I yelled trying to call him to see if he knew this intruder was in here, but he didn't come down, obviously in my Mind this son of a bitch has hurt him!
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" I yelled and the person spoke.
"Harry... it's me..." They softly said.
"Niall?!" I asked astonished he looked so, so, un-Niall. He nodded,
"Why'd you do this? i asked giving him his flowers.
"I wanted to be what you wanted...the guy you kissed..." oh Gosh why is this bs still coming up!
"Niall this isn't you, at all.the guy I kissed that night basically threw himself on me! it only lasted like a second and it was awful! so please go back to my cute adorable Nialler pretty please" I said giving him the puppy dog face, I wish zany was here because he can do it better.
"Okay." He said but the hair is gonna have to stay in until it wears off so I guess Niall will have black hair and blue eyes, not that bad but I can settle with it for now.

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now