Chapter 29~ Please be a dream!

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Justin's pov

I laid in the hospital bed, I was gonna be leaving tomorrow but I made it crystal clear I wasn't going home unless Bella was coming with me. I heard a faint knock on the door and a nurse came in, my favorite of all of them, Christine. she reminded me of my mother who I haven't seen in a while. Christine sat on the bed

"How is she?" I said

"...I'm sorry sweetie" she said

"for what?! she's fine right?!, please tell me she's fine!


Nialls pov

I was laying on the floor looking up at the bright walls illuminated by sunlight, when darkness appeared

"What" I said blankly

"I'm sorry" he said

"Save it, oh yea" I took off my ring and gave it back to him.

"Save that too, for someone you'll stay fateful to"

"Niall please!" he pleaded

"I'm done Harry. Done." I put my hands behind my head as a tear slid down my face.

"I know we haven't been to good lately but we can do this I can change I promise! One more chance!!" he pleaded once more.

"i'll think about it" I said with a sigh

"Fair enough"he said


Zayn pov

I'm a dead beat drug addict dad, I'm worthless, Justin hates me and Bella probably does too, I'm such a fuck up! I hate myself so much for this... I missed the birth of my baby girl and for what?! a couple hours of numbness! I wasn't there for Justin when he needed me and I'm such a douche for that and for everything!

I layed there in the bathtub underwater contemplating drowning myself when the phone rings, I get out and dry my ear and hand



"Justin? what's wrong?!"

"P-p-please come....i need's about Bella...."

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now