Chapter 35~ Please no drama!

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Harry's pov

"Haz! stop!" Louis giggled as I tickled him. We aren't together or anything we just sorta flirt. It's a friends with benefits type of deal.

"Why must I stop my cutie?!" I say while pouting.

"Because today is Bella's birthday and we haven't even found a present yet!" He says.

"Why can't we just give her money?" I ask while giving his neck a surprise love bite that makes him squeak.

I look at him surprised and we bursts into laughter.

"Because what's a 1 year old going to do with money? Isn't Niall going to be there?"

he asked. Niall, I haven't talked to him in a long time and I don't plan on it either. Besides I heard he's with some new girl, but it doesn't matter to me. I'm happy for him he's a good guy.

"True, and yeah the gang will be back together!" I awkwardly laughed. louis sat in my lap and laid his head on my shoulder.

~~~~~~~~party time~~~~~~~

Zayn pov

"How's daddy's boobear!" I said rubbing my nose against Bella's cheek making her giggle.

She thought for a moment and said "goot" she smiled at me and I know she was proud of herself. We've been trying to teach her words and regular stuff like that she's been doing very good! I noticed that if you say something long enough she'll pick it up quickly.

I picked her up to go find Justin who was putting the cake in the fridge. He went all out for her birthday, there's balloons everywhere, 2 cakes, food and snacks galore, and it looks like a pink unicorn threw up inside our house!

"BABA!" Bella says squirming to go to justin who instantly turns around, she calls me daddy but we were trying to teach her how to say dada but instead baba came out and that's what she's called him ever since, I chuckled thinking about the story.

"What's so funny?" justin asked kissing Bella's cheek.

"Oh nothing baba" I said laughing.

The door bell ran and I went to answer it where I see Liam, Niall and some girl, and Harry and louis. "Hey everyone!" I greeted them hugging them all and introducing myself to the girl Niall is with. They enter and Bella's eyes open wide and squirms out of Justin's arms to Niall, which isn't a surprise since that always happens

"UNCIE NI!" She screams

"Hey Bella bear!" he says and hugs her tight and picks her up.

They coo over her and say happy birthday. We all sit on the couch while Bella plays with her new birthday toys.

"I know she's only one and all but this is a lame birthday party!" Louis says laying his head on harry's lap looking at the ceiling, I think they've got something going on!

"Shut up louis." Niall says from gritted teeth. Woah what's wrong with him?

"Don't talk to him like that." Harry spoke up.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." Niall says rolling his eyes.

"Why are you being a prick?" Harry says and we all including Bella look at Harry.

"Maybe because your a fucking horrible person!" Niall yells at him.

"Well maybe your the horrible person." louis mumbles

"Louis you'll probably get aids and die anyways." niall falsely mumbled but everyone heard him

"THATS A FUCKED UP THING TO SAY!" Harry screams while getting up in nialls face

"I'm not getting paid enough for this!" the girl with Niall says and walks out. we all look at Niall who turns red


"FUCK YOU HARRY!" Niall says

"I already have that covered" louis says and before we could look at louis Niall was punching the shit out of him! I quickly run to stop them. we put louis in one room and Niall in our room to cool down. I went in the room with Niall.

"HE DOESNT FUCKING UNDERSTAND!" Niall says crying and yelling.

"Ni calm down." I go and hug him right.

"He flaunt it in my face and louis is a douchebag and only likes Harry for his dick!" Niall says while crying his eyes out.

We hear a faint knock on the door and I open it to see Bella sitting there.

"make uncie Ni happy!" She says walking past me and attempting to get on the bed but Niall helps her up.

"Uncie ni no cry!" she wipes his tears with the palm of her hands. she kisses his cheek and I go out to go get Niall a tissue but when I come back Niall and Bella are asleep on the bed. I guess justin and I will sleep in the guest room. I go in the room where louis was and his nose was bleeding and his eye was swollen. Harry was covering his swollen eye with frozen peas.

"Lou are you okay?" I asked

"Well other then my allegedly broken nose and swollen eye, yeah I'm fine how are you?" he says sarcastically rolling his eye.

"Well is the party still lame?" justin asked giggling a bit

"Yeah and dangerous and it's not funny he caught me off guard!" louis says while pouting

"I know baby." Harry says kissing louis cheek.

"What's going on with you two?" I asked.

"Nothing." Harry says and louis nods in agreement.

"Then why the closeness and stuff?" Justin asks

"I'm a lovable person, what can I say." Louis says.

"It's true the man is lovable." Harry says.

"Where's liam?" I ask.

"Eating some cake downstairs." Justin answers.I chuckle of course he is.

"Well at least we have a cool story to tell Bella when she's older." we all chuckle in agreement.

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now