Chapter 13~ you cant run this freak out of town!

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Justin's pov

I talked it over with my mom about going back to Canada but she said no! she said something about 'facing my problems instead of running from them' she obviously doesn't understand! Either way I lose! its been 2 days sense my deepest secret was outed, its been hard, freak is written on my locker, I'm being severely bullied, someone even left rope in my locker with a note attached to it giving me instructions on how to hang myself, I haven't talked to harry, he's tried to reach out to me but I didn't want to talk to him, I just want to be left alone......

"JUSTIN!" I heard someone scream, I went to the window and saw Ariana she was bruised and bloody. I rushed her inside,

"What happened to you?!" I asked carrying her to the couch

"N-Niall" she whispered

"Niall did this?!"

She nodded, I didn't want to believe her, Niall wouldn't hurt a fly! but he would devour a plate of food in seconds

"I didn't wanna tell your secret, he said if I didn't he would kill me.... I tried to leave him and tell everyone what I said was a lie but he beat me........" she started sobbing, how could NIALL of all people do this!

"Why would he do this to me?"

"Isn't it obvious he doesn't want you with Harry" everything she was saying was lining up and making perfect sense, but could it be true?

"I'm really truly sorry Justin" she said crying

"No you have nothing to be sorry about," I hugged and comforted her.

There was a knock on the door and I answered it, Harry was standing there holding a stuffed bear and flowers, his face turned from happy to concerned

"Justin are you bleeding?" I looked down at the white shirt I was wearing and realized it was Ariana's blood, I didn't know if it was the right time to tell Harry she was here or not so I didn't

"Oh it's, juice, I was pouring it and some splashed on me"

"Oh alright, I brought you these, look Justin we need to talk this out, I really miss you and I know it's hard oh you, you don't need to be alone especially if you don't have too" Harry said, I heard someone behind me clapping and it was Ariana, I looked back at Harry who's face broke out in rage

"Wow curly good speech" she pushed Harry in the door then locked the door and swallowed the key and the spare one!

"Justin what is she doing here!" Harry asked

"Oh, I'm here to make you suffer" she said simply smiling evilly at us

"Uhm come again?" Harry asked looking back at me

"Wow you just get dumber and dumber don't you! Look this is revenge, Justin you brought this on yourself, do you remember onna?" onna?, that named sounded oddly familiar! wait! onna was that fat girl who I used to pick on in elementary school, I never picked on her to intentionally hurt her, i was just a kid being a kid.

"Yeah I remember, what about her?" I asked

Ariana froze and spoke

"I'm onna....."


"surprise, Justin all of this was a plan to hurt you as much and maybe even more than you hurt me."

"I-I'm so sorry I had no idea I hurt you so much"

"Hahaha sorry? oh trust me you will be!"

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now