Chapter 5~ screwed

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Niall's pov

We were on our way to the locker room, Harry decided to go in the bathroom and Justin and I talked a bit.
"So,how are you Niall?" Justin said
I looked him in those gorgeous brown eyes, his face was so close to mine! I just couldn't control myself and I kissed him!

It really surprised me when he kissed back.
"Niall" I pulled away and seen Harry! he didn't look mad,kinda blank faced actually
"Haz, I-"
Harry just left, me and Justin sat there in silence and shock.

until Harry came back and grabbed Justin's hand.
I was in the locker room alone, good job Niall! way to ruin your friendship with Justin and relationship with Harry!

I really didn't feel like playing football anymore, I was on my way out of the locker room when I bumped into Zayn,
"Hey,Ni! are you O.K?"
"Uh yea I'm um fine have you seen Harry?" I was trying to think of something to say.
"Oh yea he literally just left someone was with him too."
"Justin, did you see where they were headed?"
"Well out of school,Niall are you sure your O.K?" he looked at me very suspicious
"Um yeah, I gotta go,text you later!"
I ran out of the building, I need to talk to Harry and Justin pronto!
Justin's pov

"Harry where are we going?!"
Harry still had a really good grip on my hand
I could see an open field up ahead maybe that's where he's taking me!
"Justin I have to ask you something" Harry said while we sat on the grass
"Alright what is it?"
"Do you like Niall?"

I had to stop and think, I mean Niall is amazing, he's great! But he's no harry....

"Um a little"

Just then Harry crashed his lips on mine! i nearly fainted! I kissed him back and bulled him close, the kiss was getting pretty heated!

"Harry" me and Harry stopped kissing and looked at a crying Niall
Wow it's only been my first day and I'm already screwed!

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now