Chapter 18~ J+Z

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Justin's pov

I woke up so sore it was so hard to move... I haven't ever felt a pain like this before it hurt a whole lot where my but was which was odd but it's probably from sitting on the floor for so long. I get up and look around and I was in someone's house that was not mine! I slowly got up and walked around and someone came up behind me and kissed my cheek just then I realized I naked! I jumped and turned around

"Zayn?" I said confused

"Good morning sleepy head" he smiled at me

"Why'd you bring me here and why am I naked?!" I asked covering my area

"I don't know why your naked but I brought you here because you were the only one asleep there and it's not like you could go back to your house from all the stuff that happened there so I was thinking maybe you could stay here, it's basically my house anyways" he said sweetly, I smiled and hugged him

"Thanks!" I said, he hugged me back, his warm hand touched my warm back that made me get chills, I looked at him and he kissed me and the kiss was so passionate! the kiss got quite heated that zayn decided that he'd get naked too..... and we did stuff, like ya know that stuff..... it was REALLY REALLY GOOD! I thought it would hurt being my first time and all but it didn't hurt that bad which surprised me

"Your gorgeous" Zayn whispered in my ear making my body shiver a bit and blood rush to my face.

"Zayn! stop your making me blush" I put my head in his chest and kissed his neck.

"Justin...ever since you've came here I've thought you were the most glorious human being I've ever seen...and I didn't expect this to happen like it did but.... will you be my boyfriend?...." he said shyly my eyes were tearing up

"Yes" I whispered and kissed him

"Z+J=great sex" he smiled

I laughed

"Z+L=great sex and great love" I said and Eskimo kissed him which made him laugh and it was beautiful....utterly amazing....

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now