Chapter 11~ new couple in town

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Justin's pov

I woke up in my room, I laid in bed thinking of Harry, I decided to go on twitter. #cutestcoupleEVER was trending. I'm not even gonna lie, I thought it was about me and Harry I mean not to toot my own horn but TOOT! TOOT! even Darcy said we were the cutest couple ever. I looked at the clock and if I didn't get up I would be late for school.
I got up and did my morning routine, Harry was gonna come and pick me up.

We arrived at school, I kissed Harry's Cheek and he kissed me. I smiled at him and he smiled back showing his dimples, he made me feel so lovestruck!
We got out of the car and held hands. we entered the building, everyone was huddled around two people, I'm guessing that's the couple they were talking about. I pulled Harry along with me to see who our competition was, I mean fellow couple... we broke through the crowd
I nearly fainted, Harry held my waist so I wouldn't go down, I felt so betrayed! how could he! How could she! THEY CROSSED THE LINE!
Harry pulled me away into the bathroom, he hugged me tight and I cried on his shoulder.
"Everything will be alright" Harry said, his voice cracked, I looked at him and tears were streaming down his face. I kissed him softly
"I wanna go home" I whispered
"Yeah, me too love, but we're already here now" he kissed my forehead
"I can't believe they would do that......." I said putting my head in Harry's neck
"Yeah me either, that's low, you think they did this on purpose?" he asked
"I dunno, I would expect something like this from her, but not from him"
Just then THEY came in
Ariana looked at me and kissed Niall
"Oh hi Justin, how are you?" she was doing this to mess with me! I wiped my eyes and put on a smile
"Just fine thanks, you do know this is the BOYS bathroom right?"
"Oh really? then why are you in here? I mean girls can have babies, so doesn't that make you a girl Justin?" she smirked
HOW COULD SHE! I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE TOLD MY DEEPEST SECRET! I felt all eyes on me. I didn't know what to do!
"What does she mean justin?" Harry asked
"Oh I'm sorry your little boyfriend didn't tell you he could get knocked up?" she said. my eyes started to water, I pushed past her and left the bathroom. I left school too, I couldn't face Harry right now. I wish my mom was here! Now that we moved here she has a job that is so demanding I hardly ever see her anymore...... she would know what to do at a time like this.
I went home and laid on the floor, I didn't have enough motivation to make it to my bed or the couch, why must my life be this way! what did I ever do! I got a text

You disgust me
I hate you
Why don't you just die
You broke up the cutest couple that ever lived
Your ugly
Harry just likes you for your body
Jump off a bridge
End it now justin, the pain will go away
Everyone hates you
Starve yourself
Slit your wrist
Hang yourself, Justin I'm giving you advice please take it

I couldn't believe what I was reading! how could Niall say such things! i felt worthless....maybe ending it all wouldn't be so bad.......

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora