Chapter 31~ home sweet home

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Justin's pov

Its been a week since week since finding out Bella's condition we are home now, she he to wear this breathing tube in her nose to make sure she's able to breathe, she's such a precision and giggly baby with quite the appetite! I was sitting in zayn's lap feeding her as usual when I looked in her eyes....there blue, like a light ocean blue...which is quite strange considering no one in both of our families have blue eyes, but I just brushed it off
"What are you thinking about love?" zayn asked
"Oh nothing just how awesome the baby shower was, how'd your mom do all that?" I said kissing his cheek
"She's magic!" he said kissing me
"Yea I guess" his mom really is amazing zayn and I didn't have to but anything, plus his mom decorated her room! it's pink and brown it's so adorable!
"You know what's strange" he stated
"What?" I asked
"She has blue eyes"he says
"Yea I've noticed that" I stated kissing her cheek.
"Well brown eyes are blue underneath so maybe she'll get her brown eyes when she gets older" he said,
Yea that's probably it! I'm just glad she's okay and we're just a happy family!

Sorry wasn't much of a chapter just a filler and if you haven't noticed I decided to change louis to zayn so I hope it's not a huge inconvenience, it was just easier for what's to come, gonna update later today it's gonna be a time skip so yeaaaa

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