Chapter 15~ SHE GOT AWAY!

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Zayns pov

I stood on the side of the house the police on speed dial, I really hope Niall knows what he's getting into, Ariana is dangerous, that's sorta what I like about her.
I looked over at Lou who looked like he was torn from being happy or scared, he just looked constipated!
Alright focus zayn! this is important! I looked at my phone and got a twitter notification I clicked it, NO WAY!!!! someone just got a new SQUIRREL! I looked up and I was outside alone....
I walked behind the house where Lou was supposed to be, he was gone, I looked on the other side when Liam was supposed to be, his phone was on the ground. I picked it up, it was a message to me that read
"ZAYN YOU IDIOT!" ouch Liam! Wait, if they aren't out here where are they?!
I slowly walked into the house it was dark and quiet, then it all went black.......

Justin's pov

Ariana threw Zayn on the pile of bodies in the corner as she finished tying and taping Louis and Liam. Niall sat next me, I really wanted to thump him in the ear!

Ariana closed the door and locked it, she turned around slowly and looked at all of us and smiled
"Wow you boys are sexy!, well all of you except that disgusting thing over there" she pointed at me, a tear rolled down my cheek
"Justin why don't you just end it! your no-" Ariana was cut off by a knock at the door she opened it slowly
I was so surprised and happy! it was one of my best friends from Canada
Haley Stewart! She never was fond of Ariana I never could hang out with both of them at the same time!
"Why are you here? are you finally giving Canada a break from your face?"
"Yeah sense you gave Canada a break from your sluttyness, I never knew what Justin could see in a girl like you, except for herpes of course" she said rolling her eyes at Ariana and pushing passed her and entering the house, she gasped and turned around to look at Ariana and Haley punched her right in the nose! Wow! she ran over to me and untapped my mouth
"Hey, are you alright?" she asked
"Yeah, I'm so glad to see you!" She untied me and I hugged her
"I didn't get to say goodbye to you and I couldn't let you go to England and forget me!" she laughed
"You?! I could never forget you!" I looked over at Niall and Harry who I forgot were there
"Oh right" I mumbled while I untied them and Haley untied Zayn Liam and Louis. we looked by the door where Ariana was and she was GONE!!
We all looked around at each other all knowing that this wasn't over! the next time I see her will be to soon......

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now